Using Vera on Twitter

With a tiny addition to Vera and some small bit of code running on linux I have my Schlage lock tweeting when it is used. Details here:

the twitter name is @humandoor and I am @newts on twitter (surprise, that).

Nice script. It could also be possible to write it in lua and run this directly from an event.
In this way you won;t need the second linux machine, and you won;t have delays caused by log processing every minute.

What would lua do for me? And why would there be anything but the tiniest delay for the polling cgi? Certainly nothing that I can notice.

Being the complete n00b here, where can I find docs to get started with lua?



Wow, that can be a hot feature!
How difficult is to port python’s Twitter API to LUA?

[quote=“325xi, post:4, topic:164575”]Wow, that can be a hot feature!
How difficult is to port python’s Twitter API to LUA?[/quote]

would this be usable on Verde?

Yes - if MCV integrates and includes it in Vera build.
However for simple polling o incoming messages it’s overkill.

[quote=“325xi, post:6, topic:164575”]Yes - if MCV integrates and includes it in Vera build.
However for simple polling o incoming messages it’s overkill.[/quote]

If I want to be able to send a tweet to check different statuses (say temperature), or trigger event (raise temperature) and get a response, would it be possible by using some of the tweeter code?

I don’t currently have a Verde (saving right now) so I can’t play around but I’m curious if this is even in the realm possibility before I spend the money. I think this would be a great way to remotely control my house.


It’s easy to integrate with twitter in the context of what would we do with Vera.
The only problem - one needs JSON or XML parser to parse response. You can do it manually, but in Lua it’ll be ugly.
AFAIK MCV work on adding some XML engine, I hope to see it some day…

Said that - the realistic way to make Vera “controllable” with Twitter is to create a framework where end-user would add its own scripts that would respond on keywords with doing things and sending response back. Something like Lua scenes.
I doubt anyone would take all the effort to create full interface to replace GUI