Using SQ remote HD out of home using 3G internet

what configuration must be setted to have access when out of home using a another wifi acess or 3G internet conection ?
my sqremote HD app in iphone is only running when I in my home wifi network.


Have you added the remote access username and password to SQ Remote?

yes, but it insists in search by ip address from my home but now I’m in another network.

solved !!!

I deactivate remote access and turn activage again and runs !

thanks !

I am trying to activate this, but i cannot find any option in SQ remote for remote access, I have a DDNS setup so could use it as that seems to be required. Couild anybody enlighten me please ?

I’m connecting by micasaverde …

go in setup / Edit Mios Unit Settings and put your account username and password (account from micasaverde)…

actually my best option to access my lights and scenes and cameras is HOMEWAVE…works fine and fast…

sqremote is fragile conection and works slow when out of your LAN…cameras is almost impossible…

for use in home in LAN connection, sqremote is a great and beautiful option to control lights, scenes and IR devices using SQBLASTER.

I have set up my micasaverde account in sq remote as i need that anyway to control my zwave and x10 and lightwaverf, but have no connection while on 3G. I was trying to set up my sq blaster in micasaverde and do it that way, but am struggling to set that up, so far havent got it to work

try HOMEWAVE app…