Using iVera over 3g?

I purchased iVera yesterday, and have it set up and working perfectly over wifi. The problem is I can’t seem to get it to work when I’m not connected to my home’s wifi network. Is there anything specifically I need to configure for this to work? Under the settings I have my username and password that I use to log into Is that what should go in there? Other than that I don’t really see any other options to mess with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Can you access your Vera through through a browser on 3G?

There used to be a setting for “remote, home , auto” or something to that effect. You had to specify remote for it to work, I seem to remember the Auto option wasn’t very automatic and it needed to be manually switched in settings whether you were home or away.

But I just checked my free version and it didn’t have those options in settings. I was able to connect over 3G though, just filled out the user/pass and check to alwyas sign in and it worked. You might try the RESET ALL SETTINGS option at the bottom of one of the setting menus and start over. They usually recommend that first.

Right; there is no manual control anymore. I have not had problems connecting, but I don’t use 3G. That should be transparent to iVera though, I’d imagine.