Using a cheap RS232 to Ethernet module

I am not sure if it work with Visonic Powermax.


Please help me to set up USR-TCP232-E to my PowerMax Pro. I installed Powermax plug in 1.2 but Veralite couldnt detect my Powermax Pro. You suggested other user to enter that adapter IP address but how can I get its address? thanks in advance.

I replied to your private mail on Oct 10 with instructions, but did not receive a response.

Sorry I didn’t get it. Could you resend it? thanks

I’ve just ordered one of these to go into a Powermax Pro.

Could someone please point me in the direction of how to connect it?

PM Pro is still boxed up at the moment and I won’t get my hands on it till next week. I’m just trying to get as much preperation done as possible. Appreciate any help.

Do I need any extra cables to connect it, or any extra parts, on top of the base panel?


This has been answered already multiple times. Have a look at the domotica forum.

I saw this photo posted on a related topic. Does this look correct ?


how did you manage to get rid of the continuouse stream of “X”?
I have exactly the same problem. I connected using a Linux PC and a Windows PC with different terminal programs. The Powermax just contineously sends “XXXXXXX…”.
I then followed the hint of removing the power. This also didn’t help. I removed the power cord, then the battery. After pluging it back in, the “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” continued.

I would be very happy if someone could give me a hint how to correct this.
