Use other Google TTS languages?

How do I choose other languages under TTS?

I want to use Swedish for my TTS notifications using this plugin.

The app only let me choose between eight different languages, none Swedish.

Can I manually choose another Google Translate TTS engine?

Just enter your language code ( 2 letters) in the field just at the right of the pick-list.

Please note that Google TTS is no more working since one week. I need to update the plugin.

I actually tried “sv” (for Swedish) but nothing happened… maybe it was because of the error you talk about.

Is it something that changed on Googles side?

[quote=“n0ir, post:3, topic:188272”]I actually tried “sv” (for Swedish) but nothing happened… maybe it was because of the error you talk about.

Is it something that changed on Googles side?[/quote]

Yes apparently they tried to hide the service. In fact, the service is still available but with a slightly updated API.

Any news about using google TTS ? Something else to try ?

We have to forget Google TTS. The service is now only partially available.
Rather use Microsoft engine. Works well.

lolodomo: Can you please change the default TTS server to Microsoft when creating secenes (if Microsoft not is back)?

You can do it yourself using the plugin UI (TTS tab).
I will not change the default engine to Microsoft for everybody because it requires a registration and so TTS will not work by default after a fresh install.
Of course Google TTS is now not a perfect default choice (because it does not work every time) but the only one that can work without any setup.