Use Http to obtain device status

Not sure which area to post this in… here goes

Hello all, I was hoping someone could help me with some syntax.

I’m trying to use http commands to get the on/off status of a Vera device. I found a few links but when I run them, I get a variable not found error. I have successfully used http to turn a device on and off, now I just need to find an http command which returns the on (1) or off (0) state of a switch, plug, etc.

Thank you!

just add your device number and the ip of your vera


that is what I had found but when I enter my Vera local IP address and device # (I’ve also tried the altID), the http request just returns “error: variable not found”

Post your url.

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The service ID is incorrect… SwitchPower1 is urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1

So the correct URL should be:

OMG. Thank you. I was beating my head against the wall!!!

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