I expexted alot of issues, and that was what i got. I’ve been sitting on the edge for so long now waiting for doing this upgrade. Since i expected this upgrade to be painful i’m not very excited about it. I try to do one thing at a time. Of course it’s frustrating, I had many devices, sceens, plugins, and it all became a mess after the upgrade. On Vera Lite all has run smoothly for 3 years.
I’ve been truobbleshooting through mostly, but some thing still remains…
Vera Alerts don’t respond, PLEG don’t work, new license purchased for both
The Aeon 4-1 sensor don’t work, I’ve tried to add the configurations settings for Ui5, could not find any for Ui7.
The Horstman Radiator HRT4-ZW will not cooperate
The same with group Associations on group nr 2.
Remote access don’t update
I’m sure there is more to come as well. I’ve send A ticket to MCV but in the meanwhile i guess we are on all or selfs
When making a new scene VeraAlerts don’t show up
Can anyone help my me here I be happy, and I will post my way to Ui7 if I ever get there alive
You must upgrade the PLEG, PLC, and Vera Alerts plugins after the upgrade … even if they are on the latest version.
During the upgrade it selects the correct version of some files for the UI version. If you upgrade you will have the UI5 version of the plugin files installed.
Just want to tell that i’m no running Ui7 and I think everything is the way it’ was on the Ui5, I changed controller from Lite to Edge.
Every device showed up on the Ui7 after the upgrading was finshed, but every battery device had to be “wake up” manually to be configured. 2 battery devices refused so I had to exl-incl the again.
VeraAlerts had to be re-installed to start function, I tried to update it first but that didn’t solve it.
Many devices changed ID so scenes etc had to be set up again.
I had to go through every scene because they where incomplete, triggers was missing etc.
Some deviced such as Horstmann HRT4-zw and the Aeon 4-1 sensor had to be re configured.
PLEG was only missing some device options, and I got some error messages because devices connected to logic were not
configured or missing.
To summary short that was that…
It took me about 5-6 afternoons to get it all right, but i’m satisfied with the new Ui.
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