Upgraded to 1.7.719 GDC1 acting up cooincidence?

I’ve had my Telguard GDC1 garage doc opener in place for about 4 months now with no issues.
I recently upgraded to 1.7.719 and it seemed ok.

Last night I got a seemingly random notification my garage door was open via e-mail from Vera. I checked and the door was closed. I then tried to open and close and the warning sound came on. I then opened and closed via Vera and the sound stopped and it seemed ok.

I got home the next day and the warning sound (the one that warns the door will be closed remotely) was constant.

I opened and closed the door with the app to no avail.

I unplugged the GDC1 power and then waited and plugged it back in and the warning sound is still there.

I can’t seem to figure out what is going on?

The only 2 conditions of change are the upgrade to 1.7.719 and the temperature outside has hit about 1 to 2 degrees Celsius…


I would suggest to check the wired door sensor functionality by removing the white cover from the GDC1 unit. On the PCB is a red LED you can only see with the cover off. If it is slowly flashing, the sensor is indicating it believes the door is open. If it’s steadily lit then the sensor indicates it believes the door to be closed. If that LED does not match the actual door status you may have a bad wire or the sensor may need to be repositioned closer to the door as the low temps may be interfering with it and making it less sensitive so the GDC thinks the door hasn’t closed yet and keeps on warning.

If that is all well, then it could be the new firmware is having an issue with the GDC1 or the GDC1 developed an issue. In which case you may want to contact Telguard first to see if they can help you determine if it’s the GDC1 or the firmware upgrade.

Thanks for the reply - All wires checked. The LED is steady and the alarm is on no matter what I do.

I’m going to troubleshoot more over the weekend. I will do a full exclude-include if I can get it to stop the alarm. My e-mail to Telguard has no response so I will try to call the number.

I am however suspicious of the false open message I got that seems to have been where things started and a day after the upgrade…

Just for completeness - there is a wave dimmer 5 meters from the device as well that controls garage lights. Again working for 4 months perfectly - now this. Will see if it’s the cold - which would not be good for a garage device… or if it is something else like vera update.

I’ll post my results.

My Vera running 1.7.719 works just fine with my GDC1.

From your description of the symptoms, it is my impression that your GDC1 has developed a defect.

That it works for others is good to know. I will say Vera support was very helpful to troubleshoot.

I called the Telguard folks and I can’t say the support was very good they seemed only to have a high level of knowledge of the GDC1 and were in my opinion shooting from the hip on what to do. They said similar issues came from sensors not being close enough together. Mine was about 2 inches apart (for 4 months) and as close as I could get without structural change to the area of the sensors… but I listened and figured out how to reposition to about 1/2 inch. This changed nothing. (besides if cold weather were an issue simple physics says magnets get stronger in the cold not weaker). Then I was thinking about the horizontal bank of jumpers on the board that appears to be for testing etc. I also saw a post about it somewhere. My jumper sits in the middle pin pair so I thought maybe I can reset something by removing the jumper. I did that and plunged it in and it stopped the close warning alarm. I tried Vera again and it all worked fine except for some reason no notifications (yes I set them) came via e-mail. The one thing I can’t remember as a pre-existing state is the white LED light seems to be on all the time. Keep in mind… this worked for 4-5 months… I called Telguard and the answer I got was "I have no idea what those jumper pins do but I just know your supposed to have the jumper on the middle pins) …Wow… anyway I left it with the horizontal bank of pins open and it works flawlessly. - just today when I updated Vera to the “fixed” last 1.7.730 code I now get e-mail notifications again. So all is well after several hours of “fixing”

Its hard to say what the issue was but I can suggest the lack notifications may somehow be related to the vera upgrade 1.7.719… in my case. I will not know really what the GDC1 issue is until someone can tell me what the jumper functions are and if I can’t get them from Telgauard well… I guess I chalk this up to yet another reason why home automation is really in it’s infancy and not ready for the average consumer to have a seamless and reliable experience. One can only hope this will get better…

One of Telguard’s people is/was active in these forums and is pretty well versed wit the unit. His user ID is shawnwelsh. You may want to leave him a PM.

I’ve been running one of their pre-production units for over a year now with no issues at all. With regards to the notifications, did you exclude and re-add the device? if so, that may explain the lack as by default they are off.

[quote=“isamuk, post:5, topic:189844”]That it works for others is good to know. I will say Vera support was very helpful to troubleshoot.

I called the Telguard folks and I can’t say the support was very good they seemed only to have a high level of knowledge of the GDC1 and were in my opinion shooting from the hip on what to do. They said similar issues came from sensors not being close enough together. Mine was about 2 inches apart (for 4 months) and as close as I could get without structural change to the area of the sensors… but I listened and figured out how to reposition to about 1/2 inch. This changed nothing. (besides if cold weather were an issue simple physics says magnets get stronger in the cold not weaker). Then I was thinking about the horizontal bank of jumpers on the board that appears to be for testing etc. I also saw a post about it somewhere. My jumper sits in the middle pin pair so I thought maybe I can reset something by removing the jumper. I did that and plunged it in and it stopped the close warning alarm. I tried Vera again and it all worked fine except for some reason no notifications (yes I set them) came via e-mail. The one thing I can’t remember as a pre-existing state is the white LED light seems to be on all the time. Keep in mind… this worked for 4-5 months… I called Telguard and the answer I got was "I have no idea what those jumper pins do but I just know your supposed to have the jumper on the middle pins) …Wow… anyway I left it with the horizontal bank of pins open and it works flawlessly. - just today when I updated Vera to the “fixed” last 1.7.730 code I now get e-mail notifications again. So all is well after several hours of “fixing”

Its hard to say what the issue was but I can suggest the lack notifications may somehow be related to the vera upgrade 1.7.719… in my case. I will not know really what the GDC1 issue is until someone can tell me what the jumper functions are and if I can’t get them from Telguard well… I guess I chalk this up to yet another reason why home automation is really in it’s infancy and not ready for the average consumer to have a seamless and reliable experience. One can only hope this will get better…[/quote]

Your random email issue has been plaguing me since I installed my DGC1 back in Sep/Oct. I also got the same, incredibly lackluster, level of support from Telguard. They had no actual troubleshooting steps that they could provide beyond basic inspection of wiring and “jiggling” the connectors to see if it would cause a fault to generate an email. They do not have any way at all to self-test the control unit or test the magnet / sensor. Their suggestion was that I return it to the dealer.

While the person I talked with was pleasant, he had no perceptible knowledge beyond what I know or figured out on my own. And, although he emailed me, he refused to respond to any subsequent messages I sent to him.

I contacted the dealer, they issued an RMA, ship at my expense, and have it repaired if it’s determined to be defective. No indication of how long I would be without the unit, and no guarantee that my issues were actually the result of a bad unit.

So, spend money to buy the unit, spend money to send it back, might not actually get repaired, and could end up with the same issue ongoing “forever”.

Nope. I’ll keep it until it completely craps out then move on to something else. The manufacturer does not get involved in troubleshooting the unit or handling repairs / replacements - it’s all done through the reseller. That’s a poor model.

I’m currently running 1.7.730, and honestly don’t remember if the issue abated / stopped when I performed the upgrade or not - I’ve been traveling, so I’m not entirely sure when the last time was that I got a false “open” report.