Upgraded to 1.7.481 cant stay logged in now

SO updated the firmware and now I cant access anything that needs me to login. the Users & Account info will let me login then if I click it again asks me to login. Same goes for Backup etc…

any help would be great.

b00sted. I created a support ticket for you. One of our Technical Support team members will be reaching out to your shortly.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I also updated my firmware and now I cannot access anything other than adding devices and controlling them locally. I have no remote access. The “Users & Account Info” tab asks me to login and I do then I click on the “Users & Account Info” tab again and it asks me to login again(never lets me in. I have the same problem trying to set my location in the “Settings” tab.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Same upgrade version, same problem. Is there a solution for this issue yet?

Clear your browser cache! Got stuck in the same place, and boy did I feel like a numpty once I’d figured it out!


Also same version and same problem (and deleting browser cache did not help).

Again, i can log into UI7 locally. Clicking the “users & account info” always asks me to re-log-in. Also trying to control from GetVera takes me to a UI5 page that says it can’t connect to device.

  • Also, what is up with your captcha… overkill much?

[quote=“schmoli, post:7, topic:185576”]Also same version and same problem (and deleting browser cache did not help).

Again, i can log into UI7 locally. Clicking the “users & account info” always asks me to re-log-in. Also trying to control from GetVera takes me to a UI5 page that says it can’t connect to device.

  • Also, what is up with your captcha… overkill much?[/quote]

I have EXACTLY the same problem. I just want to update from F to C!! :slight_smile:

[NOTE:] Please remove captcha for logged in and verified accounts. It is terrible :frowning:

Worked it out!!

The problem is that you are not actually logging into the remote portal. When you enter your credentials it is only redirecting you to the local device and skipping the remote log in.


Create an account on the new portal https://home.getvera.com (if no create account button exists, just go to set up device)

You can use the old credentials that you used on cp.mios.com without issue if you want.

Once you have done this, it will all start working!!

Thanks Luster! That did the trick for me after I bit the bullet and upgraded to UI7 last night. I couldn’t figure out why I kept getting redirected to the login page… makes sense now.