Updated to 5.9 - Now no active tabs in any PLEGs

Oh balls!

I’ve been running 5.8 and this morning I decided to update PLEG & PLC using the method:
http://yourveraip:3480/data_request?id=update_plugin&Plugin=3066 . . .etc

My PLC & PLEG now show as 5.93

None of my plegs can be edited anymore, can not view the report, status, or log buttons on the control tab. When I select the tabs Input, Conditions, or Actions all I get is the screen capture below.

I’m running UI5 1.5.622 I searched for this problem but haven’t yet found any solutions. What I have tried so far is:

Reboot Vera
Clear cache in Chrome
In a PLEG, reset the Debug option in the Advanced tab, & hit the Reload button in the UI

Can anyone point me to more steps?



Re Download the PLC plugin.


Wait for your Vera to Reload … then reload your browser.


That worked! All seems normal now.

