Update or Not Update... My Question

I have a vera lite running 1.5.622 firmware… I’ve noticed there is a lot of issues upgrading to UI6 or UI7… My system is stable so I’m wondering if I should refrain from updating my firmware? Am I missing some functionality that the 1.5 fw that doesn’t have in the latest fw’s?

Also, does anyone know of a thermostat app for the vera that allows the temperature change in .5 degrees increments? My Z-STAT can be change the temps in .5 increments so I’d like to do this remotely.



z-wave does not allow 0.5 degrees. One wire (can be wireless) things attached to Vera does support this. Have a look here:

The Netatmo modules (again, not Z-wave) provide 0.1 degree resolution. There is an app for the weather station (and additional modules), but not yet one for the thermostat.

Thanks guys.

I’d hold off upgrading to UI7 for now. They just announced the UI7 as a ‘release candidate’ and from my perspective that’s a stretch.

I just upgraded from 5 to 7 and although I didn’t lose any of the devices, I lost details for many of them including names for more than half. It’s going to be a real headache to figure out which “_Appliance Module” controls each device in the house!

I also lost all my apps. All my automation was via PLEG, so I get to rebuild that from scratch.

I would say the upgrade at this moment is ideal for somebody just getting his brand new Vera controller or somebody with no more than 5 or 6 devices connected. The interface is very clean and easy to understand, ideal for end-users.

If you have a complete solution already programmed for your house, it is better to wait. You can always install the Vera UI7 on your mobile to play around with it meanwhile! ;D

I would have to agree. It wasn’t too bad to fix the issues for me, as I have tried to limit the use of plug-ins in favour of a bit of Lua.

I think the main improvement is the ease of creating scenes for new users.

I don’t find much else in terms of increased functionality. One thing is that the functionality in the vera app(ios) has more capability including creation of scenes in a friendly way.

[quote=“GettinOld, post:1, topic:182434”]…
Also, does anyone know of a thermostat app for the vera that allows the temperature change in .5 degrees increments? My Z-STAT can be change the temps in .5 increments so I’d like to do this remotely.



See Support statement here:

Friends don’t let friends UI7

My advice based on several botched upgrades to UI5 is… if you have even one question as to whether you should upgrade, don’t.