Unplugged a Device

I had an external GE switch module controlling outdoor Xmas lights. Now that I have unplugged it and put it on the shelf for next year, should I un-configure it to Vera, or would it be ok to leave it configured? Timeouts, etc.?

Thanks, Bob

Find a place where your network is thin (relative to z-wave coverage) … and plug it into the wall as a repeater.

[quote=“beachboync, post:1, topic:178794”]I had an external GE switch module controlling outdoor Xmas lights. Now that I have unplugged it and put it on the shelf for next year, should I un-configure it to Vera, or would it be ok to leave it configured? Timeouts, etc.?

Thanks, Bob[/quote]

Or send it to me for the next 10 months. :wink:

Fortunately Richard I don’t gave that problem. Have checked. One advantage of retiring and moving into a downsized house:-)

But thanks for the idea.

But, seriously, would there be any issues due to timeouts etc. that would cause Vera to be slow or the network to become unstable?


Vera will try to poll the missing outdoor switch module. There can be minor delays if the outdoor switch module is part of still-firing scenes. Scene like nightly bedtime all off or sunrise scenes are a common case. You will also trigger heals every night as Vera tries to find the module.

The network will be smoother if you exclude the shelved device. If you don’t exclude you may or may not notice minor issues.

I would still leave it plugged in somewhere … just so you do not have any problems … Or as Z-Waver stated … I would exclude it when you box it up … and include it when you restore it next holiday season.