I have tried - dozens of times - to get the router into include mode. I have succeeded twice, and both times, the router resets itself as soon as I trigger the device’s button to get included into the network.
I am trying to add Schlage Locks. It has proven nearly impossible to get the inclusion mode going on the router. I press and hold the black button, then tap the red button. The light has only gone solid for me twice. Once it is solid, I have entered the 6-digit programming code into the lock (everything is ok still), then hit the Schalge button (ok still), and then hit the zero button on the lock. The router immediately resets itself.
By the way, whoever decided that the inclusion key sequence (hold black, tap red) should be so close to total resetting (hit black button twice) should be forced to sit through many, many resets in a row. I reset the router several times (accidentally) before deciding to find out how to reset the router, only to find out that if you hit that darn button twice when going into inclusion mode shoots you in the foot. Grrrr.
Any ideas on why my router resets whenever I try to include the lock, or why it is so difficult to get into include mode?