unable to assign dimmer to room

i added several insteon dimmers and assigned them to rooms. one dimmer will not stick to the assigned room. i tried several computers and browser types, and rebooted the Vera3.

when i assign the dimmer to the room “kitchen” and save, it moves as expected, but after a few seconds, moves back to unassigned.

i deleted and re-added, the problem remains. any idea?


Add a new instance of some plugin.
Then delete the OLD Dimmer
Add the dimmer again.
Delete the dummy plugin.

This sequence is designed to get a new device ID for the dimmer.

thank you for the reply Richard. i did not get a chance to try your solution.

Here is how I resolved the issue, I made a rookie error:

The kitchen dimmer in question was actually a Insteon Keypad dimmer, which is a combo device, scene controller with built in dimmer. It dawned on me after a large cup of coffee that i need to assign the parent device at the same time. actually 3 components

“dimmer” “scene controller” and “dimmer + scene controller”

before hitting save.