UK wall switch advice please

Can anybody give some UK specific advice on in wall light switches. I’ve bought one of these by TBK: but the quality is very poor the switch feels cheap and does not switch very reliably (teh rocker sticks even with silicon lube on it).

Related to this I am looking for retractive switches, I want something like this (toggle) but the only ones I can find are such as this which are very stiff to press and not aesthetically very pleasing

Any advice very welcome

I use Fibaro modules FGS211, FGS221 and FGD211 behind regular wall switches. I have found good retractive switches on Ebay - I chose the ones without Bell or Push written on them. I have also had good results with modular retractive and bi-stable switches from Ebay suppliers. These seem always to be clearance items so I buy them when I see them.

Thanks - although my Zwave migration has only been going a few weeks with one exception all switches have been those Fibaro units - they are very good and highly flexible- plus I like the idea that the house looks “normal”. Off to Ebay I go and I think I will give up on the wall switch idea - my TBK unit is confined to be a switch to overide the heating controller so will rarely require manually switching ???

I use tho fibaro modules as well and I used Schneider electric modular switches so I could use reactive switches on them and they have them in quite a few configs.

[URL=]Products overview | Schneider Electric

They look really nice, only downside being very low profile they don’t fit with the fibaro modules in a 22mm back box so I’ve been swapping them for a 45mm back boxes as I go which is a slightly time consuming but relatively trivial task.

I started with TKB and abandoned quickly for same reasons… Nice idea, badly executed.

Now use exclusively Fibaro behind the MK Grid system, which is excellent because you can mix and match rocker and push switches and easily change configuration with different wall plates (which, by the way, are easily removed for painting the wall without actually disturbing the switches themselves.)

Job sorted gentlemen - first batch of Schneider switches on the way (look really nice) and a couple of grids likely to be following in the next few days - I can now stick to the lovely fibaro units knowing that the little extra for separate mods and switches is worth it - thanks very much