UI7 ▾ Web UI ▾ 7.0.29 GA - April 24, 2019

It’s pretty obvious from all the issues we are all having during the upgrade that Vera need to address the ridiculous Flash partitioning schema they are currently using.

It’d be great if they would release an update that re-sizes the relevant partitions BEFORE doing anything else.

@melih @Sorin


Just for information:
VeraPlus could not upgrade: after several minutes, message: "Luup engine is taking longer to reload. Try again” and leds Zwave, Zigbee and Bluetooth off but no problem to SSH. Hitting the “reset button” did not change the situation (same screen "Luup engine is taking longer to reload. Try again”). Only solution: Powering VeraPlus off then on led to fully functional unit (with all devices and scenes) but upgrade has not been achieved.
Opened ticket to Support which serviced the unit less than 24h later and successfully upgraded the unit. Only one device is not recognised Qubino Smart Plus 16A.

No, I didn’t modify anything. As I see the “device options” section, I have following settings related to metering (set by default):

  • Parameter 1 (send meter report enable) 1 byte dec, value 1
  • Parameter 2 (meter report interval) 2 byte dec, value 300
  • Parameter 6 (configure report by current changed) [I’m not sure if it is really related to power metering, don’t have manual at hand to check] 1 byte dec, value 5

These all are set by default, no need to touch from my side.

You may log via SSH to vera (i.e. PUTTY or WINSCP using PUTTY mode) and write “df” command, then you’ll get a list of your all memory sections. Or you may run this command from ALTUI if you use it (section: misc > OsCommand, then “free space” button).

But removing plugins is not enough, as all files necessary for these plugins are left. You need to log in to Vera via SSH and manually delete leftovers, otherwise your memory will still be stuffed.
One of the most space consuming plugins is ALTUI, next ones are Datamine or Reactor.

What is sad, that the issues with memory are known for years.
It seems that any advanced user (in terms of plugin usage or number of devices connected to the controller) face memory issue sooner or later.

Aaand… nothing.

Dear Vera, you would save yourself roughly half of the work of your support team and improve your user experience dramatically if you just address the “lack of storage memory” issue.
And the saved time of support team could be redirected to more important topics, like development.

The upgrade process which need you to hard reset your Vera or remove half of your plugins (and manual clearance of the memory) is just not acceptable.

@Sorin @melih

I’m sorry about this, one of the agents will pick this up shortly.

It doesn’t auto-update. Unless you had the RC version running which is the same as the GA one.

We’re looking at these reports as I speak. Thank you.

As always, should you have any issues after or during the firmware update, please email us at support@getvera.com or call us on our toll-free number +1 866 966 2272 and our Customer Care team will get back to you as soon as possible.

This web form works as well: https://support.getvera.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Thank you.

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After Vera Support updated my f/w I get these errors and the pool control plugin is not available on my system. :sob:

System error : Device: 84. Fail to load implementation file D_AutelisJandy.xml
System error : Device: 116. Fail to load implementation file D_JandyMacros.xml
System error : Device: 224. Fail to load implementation file D_VirtualPanel.xml
System error : Device: 226. Fail to load implementation file D_VirtualPanel_224_1.xml
System error : Device: 351. Fail to load implementation file D_Harmony351.xml
System error : Device: 451. Fail to load implementation file D_HarmonyDevice351_52445139.xml
System error : Device: 529. Fail to load implementation file D_JandyHeater.xml
System error : Device: 530. Fail to load implementation file D_JandyHeater.xml

Vera support was able to log in and fix it right up. That said, it should not be such an issue to do a firmware upgrade. I hope that Vera takes it seriously and fixing the memory and RAM allocation issues on these units.

just as an FYI, we are re-writing the whole firmware from scratch. Literally from scratch with proper architecture. 7.29 release was merely bug fixes and improvements on the current old firmware.


This is great news. Unfortunately I am a bit worried that you will be losing a lot of users along the way from not addressing some fundamental but relatively easy issues

Yes, indeed it is…

Question now is: Is there any time frame for this rewrite of firmware? Other 6 months? Maybe for summer time frame jointly with your planned new hardware devices?

Or… are you avoiding to give us such a time frame for avoiding a pressure as it was in the last months for the 7.29 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ?


we do have a time frame…
First version of the new firmware will be available this summer (don’t hold me to it pls as few items still being ironed out…) First version will not be backward compatible …what that means is: it will ship with new hardware etc…or you can use it on the hardware you have but can’t expect backward compatibility with the stuff you have on the current version (we know this is not ideal)
then the backward compatible version will follow soon after…
We re-wrote the whole Luup engine …the whole thing…re-architected the whole thing…


Well I hope you’re working to an actual set of written requirements. A re-write is a big undertaking, hopefully incorporating everything learned along the way. Without a hard set of requirements (and a test plan written based upon them) you’ll be trying to hit a moving target. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to a great result.

Melih, what is your plan for developers to get up to speed on the changes, and bring our efforts in line so that they can be available concurrently with the release?


Okay… So what about Custom Plugins. I think I’m one of maybe 4 people using @rstrouse 's Jandy pool plugin which is not even in the store but rather custom xml files created by Robert that were modified from his Pentair Pool Plugin.


happy to work with you to make sure all our backward compatible…

I’m not really concerned about backward compatibility, I’m interested in moving my work forward to using your newest interfaces. Since the current pool of developers is also the most-readily available resource to validate these changes, I should think you would be as well. When can we get some information about that?


Melih, thanks for your answer.

I, particularly, am not very much worried about backward compatibility because I don’t have many devices connected (less than 50), several Scenes (20-30 maybe) defined and only VeraAlerts plugin and connection to Pushover.
BUT it could be very interesting for the people with many more things to know what of them you plan to have compatible in the very new firmware. For instance, I am planning for a new installation in a second site and I would like if it could better for me to wait some additional weeks/months or to do a “mirror” of the one I currently have.
Anyway, the new hardware plan will be of high interest.
All of them with a “buffer” of a couple of months I would suggest for avoiding such a pressure as all of us, specially you have suffered in the last weeks…. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Will the new Vera controller be based on Z-Wave 700 Series?

Here’s what my VP is reporting when I look under ALTUI
OSCommand - Freespace.

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs 8.6M 5.0M 3.7M 58% /
/dev/root 10.0M 10.0M 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 124.8M 2.4M 122.4M 2% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock7 8.6M 5.0M 3.7M 58% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 8.6M 5.0M 3.7M 58% /
tmpfs 512.0K 0 512.0K 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock10 50.0M 1.5M 48.5M 3% /storage
/dev/mtdblock10 50.0M 1.5M 48.5M 3% /etc/cmh-firmware
/dev/mtdblock10 50.0M 1.5M 48.5M 3% /etc/cmh-backup
/dev/sda1 491.1M 6.0M 449.0M 1% /tmp/log/cmh
/dev/mtdblock9 10.0M 10.0M 0 100% /mios

Do you think I’ll run into the memory issue that many have experienced when doing the update?