UI7 ▾ Version 7.0.10 (1.7.649/1.7.1320) ▾ July 30, 2015

[quote=“huwu, post:79, topic:188243”]So when we read all this, there are more people having heavy issues with the update rather than guys without.

After six years with Vera I’m still wondering how MCV can release obviously untested software to their users after all these great chances for learning… ???[/quote]

Well at least I’m glad they offer the option to revert to a previous firmware version, which I did and it just works. With most other home automation going back is never an option… Having said that I still can’t understand the decision to go to an entirely different z-wave stack and just releasing it as “oh hey here’s another update”. Looking at the issues that came up on my machine this is a major change and -even worse- a very much untested one at that.

The update worked perfect for me, for the first time, on my VeraEdge.
However, I use to have a notification that if the energy level went above 2W on our dryer and than back to 0W, I would get notified that the dryer was done. The option for this seems to be gone now. The only options now are:
A device is turned on or off
Device energy usage for last 24 hours goes above
Device energy usage for last week goes above
Device energy usage for last 30 days goes above
Device energy usage for last year goes above
Lifetime device energy usage goes above

None of these options do me any good. The notification had worked great before to see when the dryer was done.

Edit: MCV does have a quick fix for my issue and it was resolved with a file upload. Thanks


@mrv777 This is a reported issue that has quick fix.

Please have customer care remote access enabled and send us an email to support@gevera.com ,and someone will sort this out shortly.

Thank you.

Since people with problems are far more likely to post a message than those who have no problems, this forum does not provide an accurate sample of the percentage of people for whom this upgrade created problems.

I had no problems at all with this recent upgrade - it installed perfectly, and all devices and plugins work exactly as they did before.

+1 It fixed issues I had with sensors not untripping and since it’s install the one sensor I had trouble with getting a ‘not responding’ error for regularly has not exhibited that issue.

What is disturbing is the the kind of BASIC things that are not working for users.
You would NOT expect regressions in BASIC things.

In any critical production environment the saying “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is very true. The same goes for ones HA environment. Basically, if your environment is working, unless you desperately need the features of a new upgrade, hold off. Even if you could really use those features, hold off until you see what others are experiencing.

I am not touching my critical Ui5 environment which has all switches, locks and the thermostat as it’s stable and it works.

My Ui7 environment has mostly sensors and is not critical. Even though, I needed the fixes in a new release (such as fixing the sensors not untripping in this one) I won’t be the 1st one to update. I’m watching the boards to see what others are experiencing and depending on that make the decision to update or not. Even with that attitude, some of the updates have bitten me in the arse. But again, my UI7 environment adds value to my HA environment but is not critical so getting bit is a pain but not life threatening.

It’s the same with Windows. People are flocking to the new Windows 10 ‘upgrade’ from perfectly good Windows 7 installations without realizing what they are getting themselves into. I installed it the 29th on an older laptop so I can evaluate and test drive it. No way I will install it on my daily use workstation in the near future until I’m satisfied it’s stable enough for day to day use. People have a year from July 29th to use the free upgrade and Windows 7 will be fully supported (including security fixes) until 2020. I’ve asked around and most of my counterparts confirm the companies they work for have no intention to upgrade from 7 to 10 in the near future.

Can someone tell me if LUA code failures within scenes/events are being properly handled now ? The last time I used UI7, I got tired of digging through logs when it seems obvious that update should simply isolate the exact scene, identify and visually flag within the UI. Another thing I’d like to see is a notification system (email/text etc.) if the code fails (scene name, time, date etc.) and an option within the UI to disable a scene if a LUA failure occurs. If I remember correctly, all scenes are on hold until the LUA error is corrected or that particular scene is disabled.


Is there any way to have the Firmware upgrade page NOT load every time I go into the WebUI? It’s annoying and unnecessary, it can show up when the firmware it first released but if I choose not to install it then it should go away!

I agree, is there any way to stop this please

[quote=“sm2117”][quote=“anhman”][quote=“George, post:32, topic:188243”]Hi guys,

Just wanted to make some clarifications :

  1. The Z-wave network heal was removed, as stated by others, because the new firmware update enables a self healing routine every night and you’ll notice that devices which were previously not reachable during the day they will be accessible the following day. The heal option was removed as it no longer worked correctly and with the new firmware could cause communication issues with the devices.

  2. For anyone who’s not viewing the updated icons for the devices you’ll need to refresh the browser page and clear the cache. If you still experience issue you can contact support by email or phone.

  3. For anyone who’s experiencing issues with operating their devices, these should be resolved by the z-wave chip during the nightly routing update. If you still experience issues with them one day after the update please contact us by phone or email, and enable tech support so we can quickly look into it.

Platform Status: status.getvera.com
USA Toll Free: +1 (866) 966-2272
International: +1 (702) 487-9770
Email: support@getvera.com
Web: support.getvera.com
Hours of Operation: Monday ? Friday 12:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time[/quote]

After a few hours, I am now finding this post almost comical.

“1. The Z-wave network heal was removed, as stated by others, because the new firmware update enables a self healing routine every night and you’ll notice that devices which were previously not reachable during the day they will be accessible the following day. The heal option was removed as it no longer worked correctly and with the new firmware could cause communication issues with the devices.”

I am observing the exact opposite. My system was working just fine with all of my devices being reachable at all time by removing the nightly heal. Now with the self healing, I am losing devices one after another day and night. I lost 3 overnight, one this morning and now another one while at work. Why do you feel the need to nightly heal a perfectly working zwave network? Why not do a heal/reconfigure only when something has changed?

I am also observing a few other issues: I am getting a lot of false alarms on my motion sensors which I was not getting yesterday. One of my 4 in 1 Aeotec failed to untrip and seems to no longer update at all. I will test further when I get back home but this seems to be another failed release.[/quote]
Same here. I’ve always disabled the nightly heal as I could never understand the need when my network is working perfectly.

To be fair, I don’t care if this is how the new Z-Wave firmware works now but its the lack of detail that frustrates me with such a significant change. For example, I would like to know:

  1. When does the heal occur (it is clearly happening more frequently than nightly)

  2. Can we disable it? Ie, I know we can’t right now via the gui but could it?

  3. Can we trigger it manually?

  4. Do custom (manual) routes still have any effect?

  5. How do we heal just a single node (like we used to)?[/quote]
    I’m still not able to find any detail on this.

Are we to assume that Z-Wave is now a fully self-healing system with NO manual intervention ever required? So, if I add or remove a node, I should just sit back wait for the routing to sort itself out? Is that really what this update is suggesting now? It doesn’t make sense to me that the process of invoking a heal manually has been completely depreciated.

If you have not realized this, the idea is that WE make the testing for MCV.
I would rather pay 3 times and get a stronger hardware + tested software.[/quote]

So what’s stopping you? Many of us have had the exact same thought and we put our money where our mouth is. Recognize that Vera is never going to change, they’ve been this way for years.

Some Vera users use a USB Z-Wave dongle; instead of the Z-Wave device, internal to Vera due to RX/TX frequency issues. MCV - how will this firmware update effect these users? Does the new stack reside in the Z-Wave IC or is this part of the on board PCB firmware or both? If it’s an upgrade to the Z-Wave IC, what about Z-wave dongles?

Still slow to login through the vera app on android, still get the “can’t detect device” on my Aeon 4-in-one sensors, still cant remove the 8 alerts at the top of the page even though this new version has the red x to delete the alerts, they just come back, and these are alerts from 17 days + ago one is even from 2 months ago.

If you have not realized this, the idea is that WE make the testing for MCV.
I would rather pay 3 times and get a stronger hardware + tested software.[/quote]

So what’s stopping you? Many of us have had the exact same thought and we put our money where our mouth is. Recognize that Vera is never going to change, they’ve been this way for years.[/quote]

You can call it laziness or bad habit. :slight_smile:

The thing is, that at the end you know where you at with Vera. The device and the (latest stable) software do a proper job. Sometimes the grass looks greener elsewhere but can I be sure it really is?

All in all I’m OK with my choice and actually don’t want to move. All I ask for is a little professionalism of our supplier. Regression testing is a must. Or, they do a beta phase with selected customers two weeks before they release a new version. It could be way easier for us…

@huwu - totally agree that MCV dont do anywhere near enough testing and breaking such fundamental components is laughable…but… aren’t you a “beta tester” as it says in your forum profile?

I personally love a new toy, but with my HA, my production Vera is still on UI5 and i have a second Vera lite to test UI7 with (it has 2 zwave devices and some mySensors stuff on it…) I dont update this UI7 until ive seen what else gets broken …or fixed. If nothing that serious then i update just to have a look ( more in hope that they will have dumped UI7 and installed AltUI in its place…they havent yet.)
Greener grass… well if my UI5 dies or they turn off remote access then i will move to somewhere else, probably OpenHAB, as i just cant see UI7 being usable in the next 5 years.

Now that a number of days have passed with mixed results (understatement) with the 1.7.1320 update release , Is there a position from MCV that is being worked/addressed to make this update smoother or do we have to wait for the next update/fix and if so pray tell when can we expect it?

I agree with others on this thread that the constant over night heeling should at a minimum be user selectable as it seems to create too many variables (appearing/disappearing devices) and continuous “Z-Wave configuration” messages to name a few.

[quote=“mcv.johnm, post:83, topic:188243”]Hi,

@mrv777 This is a reported issue that has quick fix.

Please have customer care remote access enabled and send us an email to support@gevera.com ,and someone will sort this out shortly.

Thank you.[/quote]

Unfortunately, I don’t have any happy stories to share…I have both a Vera3 (UI7) and a Vera Edge…I updated to a few weeks ago on both devices and suddenly I was unable to get all devices to function on the Vera3. Mostly things like motion sensors and custom coded stuff showed problems. I ran out of time to work on them to properly investigate. Then the latest update came out and I thought…great, someone else must have been having the same issues as me, and this fix, is bound to help out…Well, that was a completely incorrect assumption. My Vera 3 went into a reboot cycle for 2 days now. It was showing errors in my DSC alarm connector, my audio controller, and several apps, then it would restart and repeat the errors over and over. I went to power the system off and then back on…doesn’t seem like I can even connect anymore via the web interface.

CT100 THERMOSTAT. When I adjust the temperature using a mobile app (the app uses 0.5 increments) my entire zwave network goes down. The only thing to bring it back is to clear out the network and start over. I’ve tried deleting devices, restoring backups, network heals, zwave chip resets, power cycles. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this problem? I’ve had to rebuild my network 3 times now.

I have 10 CT100 (actually CT101 purchased from Lowes for their Iris system) thermostats spread across 2 Vera Edge units in my home. When I did the upgrade to UI7 2 months ago, I noticed that I lost my battery indicators for all of them (no C-wire to power). I also noticed that when they were off, the area on the GUI where you set the temp showed 0F for half of them, while others were blank. Definitely not good. After speaking with Vera support (who were helpful in assisting my other issues), I figured out my problem. When I first added my thermostats to Vera, I didn’t select the Thermostat device, instead I selected “Add Generic Z-Wave Device”. I unpaired and paired again but this time as a thermostat CT100. Now, I have battery indicators again on all, “0 degrees F” does not appear on any when they are off, AND I no longer get the errors “Can’t detect device” anymore. I hope this helps!