UI7 ▾ Software Update ▾ Version 7.0.23

[font=verdana]Full release notes here: [/font][b][url=https://goo.gl/tWmLQV]https://goo.gl/tWmLQV[/url][/b][/size]
[size=1em][font=verdana]Discussions related to this topic will go here :wink: Sorry to barge in, but merge topics seems to be broken.

Upgraded my Veralite to 1.7.987 and my Veraplus to 1.7.3232. All seems to be fine although I had to power down my Veraplus twice.


Upgraded my Edge and no issues.

updated vp, all seems fine. took about 8-10 minutes

Appears to have broken the PowerMax plugin. Can’t download event log, can’t see/chance plugin settigns, Vera complains about the date being set correctly.

Vera plus is not working correctly after lastest firmware update. Scenes is not registering. Temperatures has frozen to the temperature before update. In my living room it says it is 27 but the temp is 22. So i got no heating in the house atm. Can’t connect to vera from internet. When troubleshooting network it states that all is fine. But controller is offline. Restartet vera plus 3 times now. Think I have to resett to factory settings and upload a backup.

=== IP Configuration ===
br-wan Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr B4:A5:EF:E8:E0:73
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr B4:A5:EF:E8:E0:73
eth0.2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr B4:A5:EF:E8:E0:73
inet addr: Mask:

External IP:

=== Testing Gateway: ===

=== Testing DnsServer: ===


=== Testing External Servers ===


STA server: OK

EVT server: OK
TS server tunnel connection: OK

FWD server: network errors detected
FWD server tunnel connection: OK

=== SSH_TUNNELS: ===
Found 1 ssh sessions running
Remote Control Tunnels are running
== DONE ==

Upgraded my Vera Plus this am, quick and easy. All working great.

i noticed my alexa integration seems much faster with this update.
withing just 2-3 seconds my actions are executed.

Did upgrade my test vera Edge from 1.7.2607 to 1.7.3231 no issues jet found.

From the release notes I notice

Notifications bar at the top of the web application, containing system messages, will no longer be displayed by default. (users still have the option of activating it by going to "Users & Account Info" > "Notifications Settings" and enabling the notification header option)

It is not my intention to question but where do I get the info of an error in lua code, if the messages are not visible anymore? Do I need to go to logs?

Did my Vera Secure upgrade last night. Waited 15 minutes without a success notification and then another 30 minutes (total of 45 minutes) before unplugging, removing the battery connector then putting it all back together. Finally did reboot successfully but not a good experience overall. It would be nice to have an external battery disconnect to avoid the disassembly routine. Anyone done this yet? Or know which wires would need to be routed to a switch? Seems like a simple project for anyone with basic skills. Even better if I could find the exact connector (both male and female) and insert the disconnect switch between the battery and circuit board. Niche market???

Upgraded a bit ago… everything is working at first glance…

but the log is filled with

02 10/11/17 19:39:04.947 write_data_image wrote:0 bytes:16384 <0x7390e520> 02 10/11/17 19:39:04.947 write_data_image wrote:0 bytes:16384 <0x7390e520> 02 10/11/17 19:39:04.948 write_data_image wrote:0 bytes:16384 <0x7390e520>

Now to hope that the backup works when I get back to the computer that has it handy.

Hello peeps,

Keep the constructive feedback coming. Thanks. 8)

Topic is sticky.

Looks like whatever it was doing, it’s done with. My logs are now flowing normally again. It fixed itself before I was able to roll anything back. Hopefully now I don’t need to?

those logs are usually generated by third party cameras, and they are not critical but rather informational.
You should not worry about those lines.

It’s not all good news!
I decided against my normal routine, to go ahead and upgrade to Vera Edge Firmware version 1.7.3231
This action I sincerely regret since I lost all my Fibaro Wall Plug(s), Fibaro Flood Sensor(s) and some Virtual Temp. devices. Also, the unit is intermittently going into a repetitive restart mode.
With support not very responsive, I have gone ahead and ordered a new Edge as a standby replacement. In preparation for that, I wanted to create a backup but first selected the ?z-wave network back-up? option. Although this still appears a menu selection option, trying to invoke it remains Non-Responsive. Is absence of this back-up menu selection now included in “Create Backup” option or should I assume a system response error, in which case "What to do?

Major fail. Controller unresponsive after upgrade. Power-cycle ended up in unresponsive mode. All leds solid except internet and service. Did a reset (6times within 6 seconds) and the controller was back online but without any devices obviously. Applied the backup I took just before upgrading and it is back in unresponsive state where internet and service is blinking. Tried several backups but all Ned up in the same state. Support helped me to downgrade to previous firmware. Same result when restoring backup. The support has really tried to help me but are unable to retire my controller with all devices. Anyone having any suggestions? Or do I have to add all my devices once again?


Anyone else lost the blue message bar that appeared on top of the web interface since this upgrade?

Read the release notes, by design and configurable.

Cool, thanks for the heads up. I was trying to add some devices and without the blue bar giving me notifications of whether pairing mode was enabled etc was challenging.

Successfully updated in VeraSecure and VeraPlus - no issues encountered so far.

Can confirm to have an issue on the Sonos plugin. It is just a small thing but still worries me. Tokao discovered the discovery patch function in Sonos plugin not to be working anymore.
As I have “reserved” IP addresses for my Sonos it is not a big thing but still…
Would love to pay for some plugins that really matter to me, like this one, and get a guarantee that it remains working with updates. Although developers build great and amazing plugins they sometime leave and that makes this platform behind with non maintained plugins. (using Vera for 5 years and happy user but this part keeps worrying me)

[quote=“mats@paulsen.one, post:15, topic:197364”]Major fail. Controller unresponsive after upgrade. Power-cycle ended up in unresponsive mode. All leds solid except internet and service. Did a reset (6times within 6 seconds) and the controller was back online but without any devices obviously. Applied the backup I took just before upgrading and it is back in unresponsive state where internet and service is blinking. Tried several backups but all Ned up in the same state. Support helped me to downgrade to previous firmware. Same result when restoring backup. The support has really tried to help me but are unable to retire my controller with all devices. Anyone having any suggestions? Or do I have to add all my devices once again?


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