UI7 Release Pool

So, and I quote from the Vera Facebook page:

UI6 was released back in January in support of our Vera retail kits, and focused predominantly on simplifying the out of box experience and pairing processes for retail customers.

UI7 will be fast follow launch, in early Q2, designed for upgrading existing/legacy UI5 customers (Mi Casa Verde), as well as newer UI6 customers (Vera) to provide consistent application base and user experience, for everyone.

Early Q2 to me means in the first half of Q2… soooo… April 1 - May 15

Anyone feel lucky? ;D
Let’s start a pool to guess the lucky release date. The winner gets 1000 karma points ::slight_smile:

My guess: August 4th

I feel the luckiest staying on UI5 for about another year or more :slight_smile:

My sentiments as well. I also fought the move to UI5 as long as possible.

Having one box with UI6 on it, I can say I want to revert every day. Unreliable is the word i’d use to describe it and that’s the only word that would prevent me from being a buyer.

I learned a long time ago that I can get more done by learning to use the tools I have rather than trying every new gadget that promises to fix all my problems…

UI5 works well enough for me. I do most of my communicating with Vera via the Android apps and basically only use teh dashboard if I need to add/modify a device or work on a scene.

Until I see UI6 and/or UI7 get enough good karma, I will wait to upgrade.

Same here. UI5 is very reliable now … And all interaction is done with tablets …

Well, this was suppose to be a joke thread, but I think many folks are overlooking one positive of UI7: they are supposedly updating the command classes to the latest Z-wave specification. Many devices that some of us own today are not supported properly or have all of their inherent functions supported fully due to limitations in the Vera core code. If I’m wrong about this, then somebody please correct me.


They didn’t say what year(in that statement). I’ll wager Q2 2015 :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously, this annoys me. Supposedly UI7 has been released to OEMs for their devices. That MCV can’t get UI6 working properly on Vera today and that UI7 is likely a year away, at best, is very frustrating. @TC1 is right about UI7 and new device support as well as features. A basic AND condition in a scene would be rather nice.

@ Z-Waer,

Wile conditional logic would be nice in the UI I think it might be a tall order. For all of those hoping for a decent implementation, I wouldn’t hold my breath. Just look at how complicated the event creation engine in HomeSeer is. Let’s just be happy with PLEG and hope MCV can iron out bugs.

With all the problems of UI6? No thanks!

UI6 was only a stop gap between UI5 and UI7. It was geared towards an oem deal to have the new mms authentication service implemented. As far as I know UI7 is still in development and should be a fully polished version of UI6. Think of UI6 as a rushed product to get a few features implemented.

  • Garrett

[quote=“TC1, post:1, topic:180546”]Early Q2 to me means in the first half of Q2… soooo… April 1 - May 15

Anyone feel lucky? ;D
Let’s start a pool to guess the lucky release date. The winner gets 1000 karma points ::slight_smile:

My guess: August 4th[/quote]

Q: Are we betting on when they’ll release it, or when it’ll be stable & usable? 8)

Release. Stable and useable is subjective.

In my world Stable and Useable translates to reliably turning on the lights at dusk and off at 0:15

So, I reverted my UI6 test box in by 2nd home to UI5… It wasn’t able to do that.

Machine would restart and have periods of inactivity up to 30mins… Pretty bad.

Anyway, I have it on UI5 now and all is good.

My wife does not think I’m stable. Useable? Sometimes.

It’s all subjective…

But I put on my sarcasm sunglasses for the post :wink:

But I put on my sarcasm sunglasses for the post ;)[/quote]

I need a pair of those. The imminent release sunshine is too bright for me.

Why are the folks at Micasaverde so… quite in regards to this substantial update in regards to what UI7 feature are and when they are proposing (month wise) to release a public version for use?

Are there any testers in the user community currently using it and what are their impression(s) albeit the product is still under development?

[quote=“MNB, post:19, topic:180546”]Why are the folks at Micasaverde so… quite in regards to this substantial update in regards to what UI7 feature are and when they are proposing (month wise) to release a public version for use?

Are there any testers in the user community currently using it and what are their impression(s) albeit the product is still under development?[/quote]

MNB and others - start complaining on social media where the rest of the world will see it. No one sees it here except people who have already spent their dollars.

Post your gripes here: Vera Control