two devices, different IR, same GC-100

We have two TVs, same brand, same model, same house, different room but separate by a wall so we are planning to control the TVs with the GC-100, when we create the first device, we choosed the IR(1) port and it works fine, but when we create the second by the option ‘create another’ into the plugin it does not have a IODevice variable, we try by ‘add/remove device’, choose IR(3) and it just redirect us to the one who is working
anyone with the same issue?

I’m not sure as I don’t have a GC100, but are the IR ports listed as separate IR devices? perhaps if you create the plugin manually from the Description and Implementation xmls files that the primary one is using, then under under IODevice I assume you could select the correct IODevice… presuming the GC100 plugin lists them separately?

are the IR ports listed as separate IR devices? Yes, they are
perhaps if you create the plugin manually from the Description and Implementation xmls files that the primary one is using , then under under IODevice I assume you could select the correct IODevice… presuming the GC100 plugin lists them separately? - Yes, I had to duplicate the plugin using the same files (D and I) with different file name in order to control the 2 devices
It should not be like that

So that method worked then? Most things with this box take a little bit of work :slight_smile:

You should raise an issue in