Tuya led strip,fibaro motion sensor with vera plus

Hi all,
I’m looking for help with the above. I need my Fibaro motion sensor to turn the lights on (Tuya) and
-keep them on when motion is detected
-turn off when no motion is detected for 20mins.

At the moment I’m using the Tuya countdown (in app) which should turn it off after 20mins when the sensor triggers.
It does this most of the time but not all (which is really annoying) and I can’t get the light to stay on with motion detected. So I’m basically in the shower waving like an idiot or having a shower in dark as it’s gone off. Or like now where the light stays on until I manually turn it off in app.
I’d ideally like the countdown to keep resetting once the motion has tripped.
I can’t add Tuya to Vera (as I’m not sure on how) so can’t add it onto something like reactor.
I’ve tried doing this in Alexa due it being the only platform I can add the tuya light and Fibaro motion sensor. Setting up scenes ‘turn on when motion detected’ & ‘turn off when no motion detected’.
Would a zigbee Tuya light and hub work better? (I’ve a WiFi version)
Any help be much appreciated (as you can probably tell im not savvy at all in scripts/lua etc)