TTS in a loop

I have an issue with the TTS function. Probably not related to TTS, I have surely done something wrong, but here is my problem:
I have a gate in the garden that is a little remote and it is difficult to see if someone is sneaking through that gate. I bought a shock/vibration sensor with Z-Wave ([url=][/url]) and I use it as a trigger for a message in the Sonos speakers when the sensor is armed.
I created a scene:
The problem is that the message being played in the speakers never stops, it plays in a loop and if I enable a notification it will continuously send me alerts (very low WAF)
Thank you in advance for any help

That would mean that your sensor is tripped in loop.

Thx lolodomo for the quick reply, I have the same setup for the dorr bell, which is a Nexa (urn:rfxcom-com:device:X10ChaconRemote:1).
It should say “Someone is at the door” in the Sonos speakers, but it also runs in a loop. If the sensor or door bell is triggered in a loop, how can I change that? Sorry for the n00b questions.

Try to use another trigger like a light switch to confirm that your problem is the trigger.

I’ll do that and post the results