Trying to get started, Trying to set static IP

I just received a Vera 3 yesterday. The instructions say to create an account at When I go there it asks to login. There isn’t any button for creating an account. I found a button that is blank with nothing in it. I selected it and it took me to
Which asked me for my serial number and my Mac address. I put it in and it gives me an error saying “Unit not available for assign”. I called support and left a message yesterday. They haven’t called back yet. I registered an account at It found my Vera 3 and assigned an IP address. I added to my Mios account and was able to get to the dash board. The Z-wave setting say “You are running the latest version: 1.7.318”. I haven’t updated anything.
The IP address it assigned is: A DHCP address My gateway
The DNS from my router
With an IP scanner I see this address on my LAN. And I can see the dashboard in Firefox ver. 31.
I selected Settings, Net & Wi-Fi. To change to a static IP I selected manually configure, I changed the DHCP to static, And entered my static Information A static IP not in my list of DHCP addreses.
192.168.168.XXX My same gateway
Allow connections from Wan & LAN
I didn’t change the LAN information.
I changed the WiFi Passkey. No other information.
Save & Apply.
I get the connection was reset, I select Try again. This is exactly what I expect because the URL is pointing to the original DHCP address.
I run my network scanner and I see the static IP address on my LAN and the DHCP address is no longer there. This is exactly what I expect.

I changed the Vera dashboard page to
with the new static IP address.

It won’t connect.
If I go to and sign in it shows it found my Vera 3 with the original DHCP IP address. It wasn’t added to my account.
I expected my serial number to be added to my account and I expected the IP address to be changed to my static IP.
I tried going back to
to see if it would create an account for me now. It didn’t I get the same error message.
Unit not available for assign

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you,



If you still encounter issues you can submit a trouble ticket or start a live chat from and we’ll assist you asap.

[quote=“George, post:2, topic:182745”]Hi,

If you still encounter issues you can submit a trouble ticket or start a live chat from and we’ll assist you asap.[/quote]

Hi George,

Thank you for the offer. I tried live chat. No one is answering. What is your time zone? Hours?
I’m in PCT -8.

Thank you,
