Trigger too fast for action to fire?


I have a new trigger based on a button on a multi switch. This button is set to pulse mode, so it reverts back to off in about 200ms. It looks like this:

gotoWAKEUP __HomeSwitch Switch 4 is turned on false 2014-06-07 10:02:28.444 2014-06-07 10:02:28.749

Then a condition to check for it:

dayModeON No (dayMode AND atHome AND !onVacation) OR gotoWAKEUP false 2014-06-07 08:30:00.138 2014-06-07 10:02:28.775

An then an action for dayModeON

If I press the corresponding button, nothing happens.
As you can see, the trigger gets on and off correctly, but the condition only reflects the false time, not the true one.

It is possible that this happens so fast the action doesn’t fire because the condition is back to false before it fires?

It is possible that this happens so fast the action doesn't fire because the condition is back to false before it fires?

I think that is unlikely. Are you sure the Condition was false when you started?

both triggers are false, and one (gotoWAKEUP) turns to true for a few ms and then back to false.
So the condition should be true at some point, but as you can see, the trigger was true at 10:02:28.444 and then false at 10:02:28.749. At that point, the condition should have been true also. On the other hand, the condition became false at 10:02:28.775, more or less same time as the trigger.
That is a bit strange, because it is false even without been true before.

That is a bit strange, because it is false even without been true before.

The Condition was true - since 08:30:00.138. Are any of the other terms affected by MS Switch 4?

I don’t understand anything.
Take a look at this trigger:

isDay Day or Night indicates Day time. true 2014-06-08 05:14:26.167 2014-06-07 19:53:10.170

and then this condition:

sleepModeON No (!isDay AND !dayMode AND atHome AND !onVacation AND !isFiesta AND !paloOut) OR gotoSLEEP true 2014-06-08 08:17:44.884 2014-06-08 00:53:11.363

How is it possible sleepModeON is true when isDay is also true?

Here is the report in case you see something I don’t.