Trick Tv iPhone app now working with fw 1.1.1183

Just thought I would give it a try and… IT WORKS!

I came on here to post the same thing! I thought it might work since the release notes mentioned a few tricktv type things, and sure enough, it works perfectly!!! I’m pumped!

After playing with it a bit last night, it appears that all lights and schlage locks in my system work fine with TrickTV.

However, setting the temperature on my Trane Thermostat does not work correctly. For instance setting the heat results in a value of 3 degrees less than I entered, and for some reason sets the cooling temperature to something else.

Yeah, I’m getting the same funky thermostat multiple degree heat/cool reversal thing also. Maybe “someone” will fix it.

Are you guys using your login or did you create a new one?

Yes same login as mios. I guess I had set it up on 1047 fw. TrickTV could see the device but no devices, scenes, etc. After the update, it just began to work.

Interesting as mine doesn’t show any devices?!

No devices either.

That’s peculiar!! I promise I’m not making it up! haha

Like I said, I set it up first on 1047, then upgraded to 1183. I don’t know if it’s worth it to you guys to try a quick downgrade, but that’s about the only difference I can think of. I’m on a Vera2 that was just purchased about a month ago.

TrickTv is working for me, as well. I had previously set it up under 1047, then deleted it when nothing showed up. After seeing this thread, I re-downloaded it and works fine. I did notice that it takes a longer time at start-up to recognize devices than Ivera does. Takes several seconds if remote.

I take that back. It’s that takes several seconds to recognize my stuff. Seems to come right up with TrickTv.

Works for me remotely to my Vera 1 running 1182 (can’t confirm operation, but found my devices). Just used my standard log-in info, no new account needed. I’ll upgrade to 1183 later tonight and test.

Just downloaded the app and used my login from cp.mios and all is working fine with 1.1.1183. It appears to have found all of my devices. I wish we could get more apps for android!

  • Garrett

I tried the trick tv mios interface as soon as I upgraded last night and everything is working fine. It did lock up once, but all lights activated, thermostat adjusted and schlang lock responded. I couldn’t believe it.

My scenes are not in the appropriate rooms however, but it does have the room designations, just wrong scenes.