Trendnet IP-110 W $49.99 today only

Newegg has this on sale/rebate/special coupon. Strangely says he got it working with VERA.
Need code: EMCYTYW69 to get the extra $15 off.

Sorry for such a late post, good luck if you want it.

$30 MIR

Yes I did, you just need the following URL:

I went to the link posted and the price was $39.99 with the coupon code. Even better!

So far I’m finding this camera to be very troublesome. I did get WiFi going, but the camera will often just drop from the network. A power cycle will get it back on for a while and then it drops again.

What experiences are others (you) having with this camera?

Vera 3

I have had one for years now. It is not reliable even when using Ethernet. There were some firmware upgrades that made it a bit better.

I have the wired version on a fixed IP, and I must say its rock solid! My friend also has two of the wireless ones, he was having some issues with an Apple Time machine router, but after setting them up with static IP’s, they’ve been fine!

I have changed it to static last night to see how it works.

This morning I accessed it okay in UI5 fine and closed the view window. I clicked to view again and repeatedly received ‘image not available’ messages.

Well, I just tried again and now there is an image. I’m going to leave it up and see what happens.

Would there be a potential issue if multiple views where happening at the same time?