Transfer Primary control to Vera from ThinkEssentials ControlStick Pro

Is there a way to make Vera primary using a ThinkEssentials ControlStick Pro? The TE software has a “transfer primary to other controller” function, which comes up with a window that says put the other controller into “update” mode. How does one do that in Vera? Include mode (single press of Zwave button) doesn’t seem to do it.

Not looking forward to unpairing every single thing and redoing it all. It seems like the “network management/maintenance” of Z-Wave is a bit lacking.


Before you do anything, check if Vera is displaying that she is secondary controller.
Assuming you are using UI4. Dashboard, Toolbox, Z-Wave device, options.
If you see Suc SIS:YES PRI:YES then Vera is primary and no need to do anything.
TE displays “transfer primary to other controller” even though TE may not be primary.


Thanks, yes, vera is “Suc SIS:YES Pri:No”, which is why I was hoping to do the transfer. Ever since the UI4 upgrade Vera has not been primary, and I can’t seem to find any way to determine what is. It seems that TE can “take over as primary”, and then “transfer to other” so I was hoping that would be a way to get Vera primary again.


It’s pretty straight forward as to what to press on TE to initiate the process but which button to press on Vera is another story.

UI4. Dashboard, Toolbox, Z-Wave device, advanced, controller shift.

However, there is conflicting information in the documentation between UI2 & UI4 as to which way the controller shift goes.
“Controller shift tells Vera to transfer the role of primary controller to another Z-Wave controller.”
“Controller shift: Used to transfer control from another controller to MiOS”


I’d be interested to see if this works…I still have not gotten around to my tests to figure out primary and secondary, but I have the same problem, Vera is NOT my Primary and I don’t know who is. TE Pro could help me out too…

[quote=“JOD, post:4, topic:167334”]UI4. Dashboard, Toolbox, Z-Wave device, advanced, controller shift.

However, there is conflicting information in the documentation between UI2 & UI4 as to which way the controller shift goes.
“Controller shift tells Vera to transfer the role of primary controller to another Z-Wave controller.”
“Controller shift: Used to transfer control from another controller to MiOS”[/quote]

Well, sadly, it looks like the first documentation is correct. If I click “Controller Shift” in Vera I get a popup error saying “Command failed: ERROR: Controller is SIS or is not primary”. Looks like it can only give control away.

Not looking forward to unpairing my entire network and redoing everything.

Did you click TE “Transfer primary role to another controller” first?

And then click controller shift on Vera second?

Where did the error display, on Vera or TE?


I don’t think you want to hit controller shift on Vera. I think you actually want to put Vera in learn mode - I think by clicking Copy Zwave Network from Master. Its been at least 16 months since I tried this, so I may be mistaken.

I tried clicking TE “Transfer to other controller” both before or after, but the error comes up on Vera that is is not the primary (and thus can’t give primary away)… implying controller shift is a one-way out only.

There is no “Copy Zwave Network from Master” anywhere in Vera that I can find.

Thanks for the thoughts though!

Was your network created with TE or Vera?

My thinking is TE is a secondary controller as well and you don’t have a primary controller in the network. If that’s the case you could do a TE backup (just in case) then try to “join or recover another network”

Once joined TE will no longer display the message “transfer primary to other controller” instead you will have the option to make it primary.

** That said, you may be able to “controller shift” at this point and transfer primary over to Vera.


[quote=“marcoose, post:9, topic:167334”]I tried clicking TE “Transfer to other controller” both before or after, but the error comes up on Vera that is is not the primary (and thus can’t give primary away)… implying controller shift is a one-way out only.

There is no “Copy Zwave Network from Master” anywhere in Vera that I can find.

Thanks for the thoughts though![/quote]

Under Z-wave device > Advanced, what buttons are available? What UI are you running? I am running Vera2 UI4 as a primary, and I still see copy zwave network from master, so you should have the same button on your advanced page if you are running UI4. In either case, what buttons do you see on that page?

Screenshot for Vera V1@1.1.1142 Suc SIS:YES PRI:YES

@JOD: Network war originally created with Vera UI2, somewhere along the way or during the upgrade to UI4 it became a secondary. I used the TE to take over primary control, and it indicated it was the primary under it’s Properties and that it was able to transfer the primary role to another controller.

@woodsby & Ap15e: yes, sorry, I do have that button but mine is even more cut off than in the screenshot so I didn’t get the see the last part. I tried that, and it appears that copies scene configuration and things from a primary to itself, but does not itself take over the role of primary (at least I couldn’t get it to).

I’ve since used the TE to unpair all devices (seems to work much faster than Vera) and then went around re-pairing everything to Vera after doing a Z-wave Network and Factory reset. Back up and running now and everything seems to work much more quickly and reliably than before. Not sure if there is any point in having the TE anymore.

What it actually does is put vera in learn mode. Learn mode is all that is needed to transfer a primary role to a specific z-wave controller.

Bummer… I could not get that to work for some reason. Will note for future reference if (when) it happens again :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the advantages to having the Vera as master? What am I missing out on if I leave it as a secondary?