Trane thermostats

Just bought 4 trane thermostats, 2 before xmas, 2 after from Radio Shack
First two are great. Second two are different versions and don’t work

Working ver: 01.00.10
Not working: 01.00.13

Models: TXEMT400AB32

New vera with UI4 firmware 1.1.1047
Joins network fine
Thermostat commands (auto/off/heat/cool) do not display and cannot be set
fan mode always says on (same for older versions as well)
Can transmit heat and cool temp (and receive I think)
Any help?

I just received two Trane thermostats from Radio Shack in the mail today and installed one. It is running version 01.00.13 and I didn’t have any issues with it. I am running the same version of Vera2 that you are.

See attachment for how my thermostat shows up in UI4. All the buttons are grayed out on yours?

I was a little worried because the packaging had obviously been opened already and I was worried I had been sent a faulty return unit but everything went together fine.

One item is that I did have to reboot Vera2 to get Home Buddy to be able to connect to it after I added the thermostat. BTW, Home Buddy correctly shows the fan as AUTO even though UI4 shows it as ON.

Auto/on shows blank for me.
I tried rebooting, etc. no avail.

You have probably already done this and I am saying something stupid here but I notice when you first add a device to vera that it isn’t fully configured (at least in my inexperienced view). But once I click on the wrench for the item and change something for the device (set the name typically) and then click on the red save button in the UI4 interface that vera finishes setting up the device and I can fully use it.

Your sensor looks like what I remember before the device is fully configured. Have you clicked on the wrench yet and made any change which would require you to hit the save button in the UI?

Again, not trying to insult anyone if this seems like a ‘duh!’ post, just exercising my limited knowledge of vera so far.

No insult, I appreciate the input.
Yes I’ve “clicked the wrench” (sounds a bit euphemistic), rebooted, healed, etc.
Repeatedly get “Delivery Failed” when changing auto mode.
I also just realized that they are not reporting the correct temperature. I can set the temp from Vera and it shows correct, but if I set the temp on the unit it does not report correctly.

A couple more ideas:

My thermostat shows “ZVER 02.00.9” for the 01.00.13 thermostat firmware version. Is this the same for you?

Also, have you tried placing the 01.00.13 thermo at the location where the working 01.00.10 thermo is and see if the x.13 one works? My line of thought is that perhaps the x.13 ones are on the fringe of the distance that your vera can communicate with them so you are getting funky responses.

When my appliance switch was in the fringe of the communication range, I could get it to turn the lights on/off but I would get configuration errors and it wouldn’t report the status or other device information in the UI4 screen.

I also just bought three of the trane t-stats from radioshack and had the exact same problem. first two running version 1.00.10 worked fine right of the box the third, version 1.00.13, showed the same problems your describing. did lost of rebooting and excluding and re-including to the z-wave network, nothing worked.

Took it back to the store and exchanged it for the only one in town. when i got the new (4th) one home it was the same version 1.00.13 as the one i had just returned. installed it at it worked just fine. i think its just something wrong with some of the .13 versions i would just exchange it for new ones if i were you and hopefully you get lucky.

Just installed one I picked up at the local RS and all worked fine, but it was running version 1.00.10.

Quick tip to avoid stupidity (which I managed to do twice), if you are wiring up a 24DC wire in your furnace for the thermostat be sure to re-install the furnace panel cover which has a lockout switch for the furnace electronics. If you don’t you will be hunting for why your thermostat and furnace don’t work. Luckily I remembered my last install before I spent any significant time troubleshooting this time…

To follow up here as well:
I had tried this with my new Vera 2 and and old one. Both failed. Then with the old one, I completely wiped the Vera 1 and updated the firmware (
That worked and it displays properly.
Not sure what the issue was.
Ah, maybe this is it, firmware was an update from what I had:
IS: 1.1.1062
WAS: 1.1.1047

Very likely a firmware issue. Note that this is beta firmware and won’t show up on your regular advanced-firmware in UI4

I have 3 Trane thermostats (1 from A, 2 from RS). All have exactly the same version numbers and very close serial numbers. All were installed exactly the same way while within 2 feet of Vera2.
All have different number of parameters listed in the ‘wrench’ +Advanced tab.

The longest Advanced list has parameters listed such as: WATTS, MODE=Auto, TARGET=0, STATUS=0, AUTOCONFIGUR=-1. The other one has WATTS , AUTOCONFIGUR, TARGET=1, STATUS=1. But the shortest does not have: WATTS, AUTOCONFIGUR.

In the shortest Advanced list there are less than half of the parameters of the longest.

Do they work properly - oh well what o I know?
What to do ?

[quote=“lz, post:10, topic:167287”]I have 3 Trane thermostats (1 from A, 2 from RS). All have exactly the same version numbers and very close serial numbers. All were installed exacatly the same way while within 2 feet of Vera2.
All have different number of parameters listed in the ‘wrench’ +Advanced tab.

The longest Advanced list has parameters listed such as: WATTS, MODE=Auto, TARGET=0, STATUS=0, AUTOCONFIGUR=-1. The other one has WATTS , AUTOCONFIGUR, TARGET=1, STATUS=1. But the shortest does not have: WATTS, AUTOCONFIGUR.

In the shortest Advanced list there are less than half of the parameters of the longest.

Do they work properly - oh well what o I know?
What to do ?[/quote]

The thermostat I have that is farthest away from the Vera2 has a CommFailure = 1 entry where the one that is 5 feet away from the Vera2 doesn’t have that entry at all. I don’t have the Watts, Target, Status or Autoconfigur entries on either one. :slight_smile: They both work perfectly so I am not going to sweat it either.

I have tried several things. I changed Automatically Configure parameter in Settings tab from ‘default’ to ‘yes’.
The number of displayed parameters increased in Advanced tab.

I have no clue what other consequences are.
What is the effective difference between ‘default’, ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in the Automatically Configure parameter.