touchterm pro on the iphone?

I was wondering if anyone has attempted to use touch term pro for sending http requests. With the ability to create a custom profile and mapping of text strings/cmds to gestures (currently 94 of them) it looks like it could be a cool gesture based way to control vera, and you can create custom keypads with string/cmds attached to them. (they demo an emacs profile with a custom keypad in the videos…being an emacs user, I was happy to find that they have the profiles available to download.)

tap-swipe right = turn on scene 1
tap-swipe left = turn off scene 1

Anyway, I haven’t had much time to play with it, but it seems to connect to vera without any problems and I’m hoping to build some sample http strings in the next couple days to test lighting control. If it seems to work I plan to build a full profile and will share it with anyone interested. I’d love to have something where all you need to do is drop in your cmds to make it work for your set-up.

any info from previous experience is greatly appreciated.