One last thing…can you make sure that all the drop down boxes have valid names showing for dimmers and switches and try one more time?
The color will will change to green and red when your done with selections.
EDIT…I will pick up a switch tomorrow and debug that item!
More to come…
Thanks for your help
The drop down boxes have the correct names, but the colors are either brown or incorrect. Right now my MBR Patio lights are on, but the color is showing brown. And My porch lights are on and it’s showing red. Changing switches doesn’t change the previous color.
[quote=“ballroller, post:23, topic:168313”]Okay, weird. My closet switch is now working, but others dont.
Tim- If I go to the devices tab and click on a switch there, and then go back to the control tab, the switch will begin to work.
edit: change the above statement to: sometimes, but not always![/quote]
Thanks for giving it a try…I better bite the bullet and pick up some more ZWave goodies including a switch. It won’t take long once I have one on my system.
I need to work on the configuration portion as well. Once I work this bug out I think it will be a nice starting place for controlling the Vera on a touchscreen. I will rework the coloring and look at better switch display. I am going to pick up a thermostat and lock as well.
[quote=“Henk, post:25, topic:168313”]Ill try it tonight with my Duewi switch and report you the results.
Can the screen also be controlled with mouse?[/quote]
I installed Virtual Switches and found the bug…
I still need to take care of the setup…I will do that in the morning and post a fix.
Yes mouse control or touchscreen both work.
Yes! Much better, and, they work! Scenes also work well.
Minor point #1- when the screen comes up, it is not evident whether the switch is currently on, or off. Obviously, after pushing the switch you would know-but for some that might be an issue.
Minor point #2 related to #1- the dimmers don’t show the current state either until you go out and then back into that tab.
edit: the temperature and light sensors under the temp/light/humidity tab don’t show the room description they are associated with-only the room number. would be more informative with the description.
@ballroller and Henk,
I changed the switch format…now you hit the button and it toggles the switch value and lights a smaller LED. The LED is fed by MIOS so a one second delay for reporting is normal. Works good with virtual switches can you try it with some real ones?!
MIOS reports room numbers but I agree…substitute a real name would be easy to do.
Dimmer updates are next…getting closer!
Suggestion to move this thread to Vera Luup & Development.
Then, version 1.005 remarks, with all selectors on “0” i still see 1 dimmer array (#9).
can provide screenshot if needed
use of on/off leds works for a much better user experience
1.No dimmers detected, good! (i dont have any)
2. 2 switches detected, good (1 real, one virtual)
3. quit bug fixed, good
4. user settings not stored after shutdown/restart, not good
(should be stored in same file as IP, btw WHERE is that file)
5. Active LED on active scenes are accurate, good
6. Still devices detected as scenes, not good.
(detected as scene are, IP cam, virtual switch, 2 room 0 notifications, temperature from weather plugin)
Strangely not detected from weatherplugin is: high/low temp and humidity sensors
7. Manually running the Uptime and LUA reload log (luupcoded scene) does not trigger the active LED.
Here is the latest: 1.006 [url=][/url]
This takes care of the dimmer update issue. I will have the ability to save room configurations done by morning…
More to come!
The scene drop down menu…I used your file and I cant find anything wrong other than a Room 0 scene coming through…can you give me more details?
I really like what this is looking like. I like the “LED” lights a lot. Are you going to show the locks and have the ability to control them as well? Thermostats?
[quote=“TimAlls, post:32, topic:168313”]Henk,
The scene drop down menu…I used your file and I cant find anything wrong other than a Room 0 scene coming through…can you give me more details?
I could send you a new json and some screenshots?
Thanks Henk,
I found the bug…came from a new plugin you added.
I will have room creation and save setting working next!
more to come.
Thanks Henk,
I found the bug.....came from a new plugin you added.
I will have room creation and save setting working next!
more to come.
Was it the FCM plugin Ap15e created? If so, could you provide details so Ap15e could improve his code?[/quote]
Yes, that is the plugin.
It’s my bug…nothing to do with AP15e
What can be done to keep the sdata from passing so much stuff?
Remove the corresponding [tt]…[/tt] lines from [tt]S_…xml[/tt].[/quote]
general remark; why should someone that’s not or not very well aquinted with coding remove lines from an XML that the programmer supposedly put there for a reason
and why are the lines there if the plugin could do without. Especially if the load on the executing hardware or remotes would be less without it?
Now this could sound like a silly Q, but I don’t understand…
I don’t think anyone should have to tweak readily available code created by someone to improve it’s functionality or general working…
Anyone that has similar feelings?
I don't think anyone should have to tweak readily available code created by someone to improve it's functionality or general working...
Removing the [tt]s[/tt] doesn’t improve the functionality/general working, it just cripples the plugin (by removing the variables from [tt]sdata[/tt] as requested by TimAlls) …