Tivo Control? Can't find anything recent..

Hi, and sorry in advance if I’ve missed something, but I’ve been searching for hours, on this forum, and google in general, and can’t find anything specific…

I’m a complete newbie with Vera, having just gotten a VeraEdge this week, so although I’ve gotten a couple basic “scenes” to work, to prove I can read a sensor or two, and turn some lights on and off, dont assume I know ANYTHING about this stuff…

I believe my goal is simple - I found some timer apps, which seem to let me schedule scenes, and I found a tivo controller… All I want to do is to set my Tivo to a particular channel at a particular time. in the “old days” of tivo, I would have just set Tivo to record a program, but with the Roamio and my Tivo Minis, the recording would be done on the central roamio, and I want the mini in the bedroom to change to the channel, so Tivo’s UI doesn’t have anything to do this.

The Tivo app I found for Vera has a limited number of remote “buttons” I can press, and i proved that I can (for example) press “channel up” as part of a scene, but there seems to be no way to enter a numeric digit in the tivo remote app, let alone entering a 3 digit channel number…

I looked at the .xml code, and there’s sections to (for example) “sendCommand(“IRCODE NUM5”)” which would be a numeric 5 button press, but I dont see any way in the code to access those commands for which there aren’t defined GUI buttons for, or to string more than one digit together.

In a perfect world, I’d like an option to enter a numeric string and have those digits sent.

Has anyone else done this, or should I assume I’m going to be learning how to program my own app on “day 2”? It seems like a useful action for a tivo…

Thanks in advance - This whole Vera “ecosystem” seems to be amazing, and I look forward to automating my whole house and participating in this group in the future! (next step - integrating my Arduino garage door controller!!) :slight_smile:


In my use… I have a scene tied to a virtual switch… The virtual switch is triggered with my Amazon Echo… “Alexa… Turn on CBS.” the 2nd immediate action is to reset the virtual switch to the off state…

Sent from my LGUS990 using Tapatalk

This post may be a little late comming… “Building an app on day 2” is exactly what I found myself doing when I put the tivo remote app together. Fortunateley in my case, there were others that had already done alot of the legwork, so for me, it was just alot of copy and pasting and minor edits and then getting a simple gui over the top to get the app opperational for what I needed. Infact, I think you’ll find most apps were created by someone trying to solve a problem for themselves.

Since netflix, I’ve pretty much stopped using my tivo now so havn’t had any need to tinker with or even use the app for a long time, but to do what you seek to do, Im pretty sure you can send individual multi-digit channel combinations using a sceen with the tivo app as it is. Just create your sceen so it presses one channel button after another with say a second delay between each press… The end result is a multi digit string of numbers, exactly the same way it would happen if you were pressing the digits by hand on the penut remote.

Hopefully this is helpful!

When editing a scene, look at the Advanced Editor option. If you have the tivo plugin setup you can define your series of individual commands in the Advanced Editor under “Step 3” of the Scene. Just keep adding the device and action for each one you want to send.

In the past I’ve been using different hacks to send ir commands by telneting to the port. I’ve ditched all of those and try to use the vera<–>tivo to control it from other apps.

[quote=“172pilot, post:1, topic:189410”]* * *
In a perfect world, I’d like an option to enter a numeric string and have those digits sent.


I was able to do this by using the SCENE editor (advanced in Step 3) and then adding the NumericEntry1 digit by digit, but putting a 1 second delay between each. 1 second delay (digit 1), 2 second delay (digit 2), 3 second delay (digit 3),

Now I have setup TV Fox

and get the channels to come up that way.

I am not sure about how Alexa will handle letters such as “ESPN” and whether she will consider that a word or just letters…but that is a problem for another day.