temperature sensor from Sqblaster ?

I have observerd yesterday simply appears now on my vera one box indicating temperature…i.e. 87 writed but do not shows if in Celsius or Fahrenheit, when clicking on properties appears is from sqblaster…

sqblaster detects temperature ???

thanks !

Garret I have searched but do not find this answer in the forum.
I hope do not causes botheration in you…Master…


Hello Guessed , Thanks !

one doubt more…

to show in Celsius (my region uses Celsius) what updating I need to do ?

I have read about but the explanations is very months ago…something new and up to date for me execute and have Celsius in the panel ?

Regards !

Search criteria:
sqblaster temperature celsius
sqblaster temperature metric

Hello Guessed

I execute the steps:

Service urn:squareconnect-com:serviceId:SQBlaster1
Variable Metric
Value 1

In box where says the temperature…and not works…

In box (I think is parent box of sqblaster) and now is running…

How can I exclude the process created in the first trying ?

thanks !!

I will be there !

Yes, the instructions indicate to do it on the parent device. If you set it against any other device, including the Child temperature device, it won’t do anything… but at least it’s benign.

In Vera, there is no [easy] way to remove Variables once they’ve been added…at least not from the UI. You can always restore a Backup from the cp.mios.com servers, and that’ll rollback everything.

[quote=“Piwtorak, post:5, topic:173105”]Hello Guessed

I execute the steps:

Service urn:squareconnect-com:serviceId:SQBlaster1
Variable Metric
Value 1

In box where says the temperature…and not works…
In box (I think is parent box of sqblaster) and now is running…
How can I exclude the process created in the first trying ?[/quote]