Syslog to paper problems

Ok so i deleted the syslog variable and restarted and it worked again so i think its not recognising fqdn as an int so throwing up a startup failure?


Edit also i looked up the ip address for papertrail, input that instead of fqdn and it went through to them! So it definitely seems an error in the processing of the fqdn instead of an ip address

Well, I apologise for this… you have found a bug.

It transpires that the Lua file had a truncated line - not sure how that found its way through testing.

There is a new version in the development branch here: GitHub - akbooer/EventWatcher at development

You just need the updated Lua file. I have tested the corrected version out of context, but would be grateful if you want to give it a go in earnest.

Not a problem! Glad i could help :slight_smile:

Also is it possible to change the syslog output string to contain the controller name (or if not a user definable string variable) rather than the controller serial number?

Edit don’t worry just worked out if you change the name of the event watcher device it does as needed…

Thank you for your help and patience!


Ps yes of course I’ll try it out later tonight :slight_smile:

Works a treat! Top marks for great support and a great plugin thank you


Phew! Thanks for sticking with me during the process. This sort of support from the community really helps to improve the experience for everyone.

I’m excited to hear you got this working - can you provide steps to set this up? I’ve got everything running, so I imagine it should be fairly straightforward? Which variables should i populate with the papertrail address?

The first post here,49721.msg324936.html#msg324936 seems to say that you just need an IP address (or fully qualified domain name) and port with the ID that they provide.