Support of Innovus devices ?

Hi all,

I’m historically an Innovus customer, but i’m concerned by the ‘no response’ from them since january. i’m not sure, but they seems to be dead or something.

So, and because the technology is pretty new, I’m considering migrating from innovus router to the vera one. But i can not change all the devices, so my question : does vera supports (or plans to support) the legacy innovus devices like RaOne Smartpower (, RaOne Smartdimmer ( and the smooth remote ( ? I’ve also other product, but they are not directly from innovus like the EZmotion sensor wich seems to be ok (i’ve seen the other thread about it) and the T° sensor from LS Control which I don’t know.

(All are EU version)



I have got the RaOne Smartpower, it works with Vera except the power meter part. Hopfully that will work in the future.

And I use the SmartDimmer which works fine with the Vera. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer.
I’ve bought the innovus powerswitches mainly for the ‘meter’ functionnality, but I suppose It not so difficult to add the functionnality.

First I’ll really check if they are dead and let you know,

I have just tried to connect Innovus products to Vera.

Smartdimmer works as YKMAG writes.

But i can not get Z-ring and SmoothRemote to work.

Vera finds them, but thats it. :frowning:

Screendumps attached.

I am planing to migrate to Vera, now Innovus seems to disappear. But I have a lot of Innovus devices.

Hopefully they end up working with Vera.

In the US I can’t get my hands on any devices that support the meter class. If the Innovus does, I’d like to add support for it remotely, if you don’t mind. Would you be able to ping us on the tech support chat and open the back door? I can remotely add support for the meter and we can make it work in probably less than a week, if you don’t mind letting us poke around remotely on your box.

Problem report 351 submitted

I hope this was what you asked for. :slight_smile:

I have made an upgrade to 1.0.522.

Now it seems to know less about Z-ring.

I will leave it there to night. So you can play with it while I sleep. It’s 23.16 here. :slight_smile:

We did add now that you have to check ‘Let Vera manage associations’ before Vera will override your associations (then save, then reconfigure node). That’s because some users already setup associations manually with another controller and didn’t like us automatically overwriting them.

I now have a working Z-ring.

I am not quite sure, how I got it working.

But it involves a lot of adding the same Z-Wave controller and Custom Z-Wave settings - Add group.

I have been told on that SmoothRemote works too.

So now I think the only thing I miss is the metering.

We just added the metering support. The next firmware will support it.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Supported Hardware lack information regarding EU products.

And I need to find out how to write there. :slight_smile:

Now we just wait for a new firmware - just got a bounch of Innovus smartdimmers and switches :slight_smile:

mhn, I’m following the Zwave Add controller Wiki and everything is looking good. My z-ring is configured, showing the green wheel. I have added the “scene button is pressed”-event to a scene.

But, as you all guess, nothing happens when a press any of the buttons on the z-ring. Even a desperate double press didn’t do it. :slight_smile:

What I haven’t tried is to change the Custom Z-wave settings for the z-ring device. What are your setting here? How did you figure them out?

In the end, when everything is working, does button 1 correspond to “key 1” and so on?

I have screendumps of my Z-ring setup here:

A couple of us danes are fighting the Düwi remote right now. (With little luck.)

How i figured out? I don’t know. I read, try and ask a lot. :wink:

Vera remote setup could do with a redesign, if you ask me.

I sense this might be a stupid question. ???
But how can you set the “Set to:” field? My fields just show up blank.

I press the set button, and get af list of devices.

My buttons are dead. :frowning: (All three of them)
Could it be a bug? What browser are you using? I’m on Firefox 3.06.

Does the association of 1 with 13 mean that button 1 triggers device 13? If so, can’t you use the Veras trigger event mechanism?

I use FireFox 3.8 or IE7. Both ok.

Yes Z-ring button 1 handles ID 13. And the button works as Innovus standard.

I am afraid jo have a bug.

Have you tryed ctrl-f5 to reload i all?

I have tried to restart/reload most everything.

I’ll check with MCV if they can help out here.

Thanks for the help.