Sunset / sunrise time at the command line?

I want to have my lights turn on either when I come home or when the sun sets, if the sunset is after I come home.

Currently I run this test on my PC by calculating the Sunset time on a daily schedule and activate the “Approach home” scene accordingly.

Not sure when Lua is coming and now I figured out how to use MessageSend too activate the scene; I thought I might try to move my control from PC to Vera. All I’m left with is to script the test.

I know Vera already does the Sunset calculation and was wondering, if it is easy to retrieve the time, or do I have to recalc myself?

HF, Chris
a.k.a. Kamikaze pilot… ;D

Well you can turn on verbose logging and you’ll see upon startup it’s logged in /var/log/cmh/DCERouter.log. However grep’ping this isn’t a good solution, and when you leave verbose logging on it uses a lot of cpu resources to do rotation of those big logs every few minutes.

In other words; I should recalculate it on my own…
I see Lua is installed now and I was able to run a first test script.
Will see if I can convert my calculation into Lua.

… to be continued …

HF, Kamikaze pilot.