Struggling a bit out of the gate

So, I have three Evolve LRM-AS dimmers installed. They all work when operated manually - including the dimming.
I was able to include them into network by walking the VeraLite in battery mode and adding them.
When I log onto the dashboard, I am able to see them.

However, I see a bright red light on the top left of each switch, with a note saying “unable to get any information on node”.
I have tried several actions on the dashboard including…

[ul][li]Excluding and re-including in the network[/li]
[li]Running the “heal” program[/li]
[li]Moving the VL a lot closer - it is about 25ft away now - and I can’t get it any closer[/li][/ul]

It looks like the VL is just not communicating to the switches - and it isn’t a range issue.
I would appreciate any pointers you may have.

First, perform a network heal. Setup → Z-Wave settings → Repair → Go.

If that doesn’t fix it, then it probably IS a range issue. In that case, since you can’t move Vera closer, you will need to add an intermediate node that is in range of Vera and the switches. Then perform another heal and you should be working.