Streaming from Blue Iris / Camera to Imperihome

I’m trying to create a webstream directly from my wall mounted tablet. (Imperihome). It calls for Local MJPEG or RTSP URL: I have entered:

But there’s a streaming error. Any thoughts?? I have RTSP disabled in the camera and checked BI web server is set to port 8081

I can confirm that you’re using the same exact format as I am. That is the stream URL for the full screen and full frame rate image you get when you tap on a thumb nail.

My thumb nail URL is as follows:

Where “Front” is the start name of my front door camera.

But I must admit that I’m not sure this is the best way to do this. I have three tablets around the house and our main Imperihome screen has several outdoor camera widgets and with all three asking for data wirelessly I’m having some issues on server usage and network latency. I wonder if hitting the cameras directly would be a better way. Obviously your cameras would need to support the two stream types. I may do some experimenting…

I’m getting a live stream using Blue Iris Plugin on ImperiHome.