stream audio TO android wall controller


I plan to install speakers, along with a tablet in a waterproof wall box, in bathrooms. I think android tablets as they are wider variety and cheaper.
It seems foolish to install a 350$ Sonos Play one (thats the price here) as the android will have its own audio output I can wire into any speaker. Of course the whole thing is less fancy if I have to exit the vera control app and and manually start an audio player/sportify

-is there a plugin for vera android that can control local spotify/media player?
-is there a way I can call a playlist/radio/etc inside the app?
-as a matter of fact, is there any integration like this with sonos? because if there isnt, and I have to exit the app to play thru sonos, i can just start soptify manually…

The Imperihome control app can switch over with a single tap to third party apps like sonos or Spotify and tapping the back button takes you back to Imperihome. Works great for monitoring my Vera / Home and controlling music.