Startup LUA failed

Hi Chris

I am very happy with DataMine.
But I lost acces to my vera and had to take the power from it to regain acces. I get the message: DataMine graphing and logging [ ]: Startup Lua failed.
And there are no channels in the DM widget and I can not start it up.
Maybe you have a clue ?

In adistion to above.
“my alerts” says log chrash.
I tryed to backup from yesterday and I still get Lua startup failed…
Datamine debug page says “no handler”.

Hi Chris
I have now deleeted and reinstalled DM plugin (several times) and I cant figure out what is wrong it seems it does not write to the usb (reformatted).
Please take a look.

Hi @svaleb,
Hopefully MCV will approve an update tomorrow. Please upgrade to this when it’s released and see if this helps. Let me know how it goes and if it doesn’t help then I’ll take a look. I’m hopeful it will solve the problem though.


Thanks Chris
It HAS been working fine untill recently, but right now I am stuck.
Regards CE

Hi Chris
No, still not working.
.980 ver.
Online status red, fault 21.
regards ce

The log doesn’t show any problems (other of course than the write error).

Something to try…
Start with 1 variable that is currently enabled for logging - go to the dataMine configuration tab, select the variable and change “Logging Enabled” to false, click SAVE, then change it back to true and press SAVE again.

See if this gets that variable logging again. If it does, then doing this on the others should solve the issue.

Let me know how this goes… If it doesn’t work, then we’ll dig a bit deeper.


Hi Chris
I deleted the plugin again and reinstalled. The channals were still there and it took down the first reading fore most of them, but no more.
In the log it says something about missing files ! ?

I don’t think the errors about missing files is an issue - this seems to be normal when you install a plugin. Clearly the plugin is running, so the files must be there…

Do you have WinSCP? If so, please can you try the following. In UI5, go to APPS, click DEVELOP APPS, select TEST LUUP CODE (LUA) and copy the following 4 lines into the box and click GO

os.execute("ls -l /dataMine >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/2 >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/raw >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");

Then, using WinSCP, go to the /tmp directory, and open the file “dm-debug.txt” and send me the contents.

Also, when you provide the debug, can you provide it just as a text file - the doc format gets screwed up on my machine and it’s very difficult to view (everything is just wrapped together in a single line). Thanks.


Hi Chris
No, I dont have winSCP.
Thanks for trying.

Ok, do this instead -:

os.execute("ls -l /dataMine >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/2 >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/raw >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("cp /tmp/dm-debug.txt /www/dm/debug.txt");

Then open //dm/debug.txt in your web browser.

Once you’ve got the file, you can delete it with

os.execute("rm /tmp/dm-debug.txt");


Sorry Chris
This is “black talk” to me.
Where should I put in these codes ?

In UI5, go to APPS, click DEVELOP APPS, select TEST LUUP CODE (LUA) and copy the following 4 lines into the box and click GO.

os.execute("ls -l /dataMine >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt"); os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt"); os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/2 >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt"); os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/raw >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt"); os.execute("cp /tmp/dm-debug.txt /www/dm/debug.txt");

Then in your browser, type /dm/debug.txt and copy the result here.

Then, in UI5, go to APPS, click DEVELOP APPS, select TEST LUUP CODE (LUA) and copy the following line into the box and click GO.

os.execute("rm /tmp/dm-debug.txt");


Thanks Chris
This was what I got.

Hi Chris
It seems as if no data is stored on the USB since startup. Disk space used is the same (572).
Right now I an only monitoring 2 challels I have deleted the others, and it still says 20 challels monitoring.
It is as if after startup the kommunication stops.
Thanks fore taking a look at it.



Disk Space Total (kb)


Disk Space Used (kb)


Disk Space Free (kb)



Hi @svaleb,
This initially looks ok, but unfortunately I made a typo in the last command and got the wrong directory. Can you paste in the following (it just corrects the last directory, but I also added some delimiters so I can see more easily where the different directories are).

Everything looks ok in the directories up to the one where the data is stored. Clearly files are being written at some stage as the config files and backups are there, and also the sunrise/sunset time file is ok (and this isn’t written on startup). So, it’s still a mystery.

Anyway, please paste the following into UI5 and send me the results. Also, can you send me the log file again (ie from the debug link) - this time as a txt file.


os.execute("echo /dataMine > /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("echo /dataMine/database >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("echo /dataMine/database/2 >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/2 >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("echo /dataMine/database/2/raw >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("ls -l /dataMine/database/2/raw >> /tmp/dm-debug.txt");
os.execute("cp /tmp/dm-debug.txt /www/dm/debug.txt");

Hi Chris

I have now installed a usb for vera logging.
Total disk space used has fallen ?? from 572 to 562.
It has been logging temperature over the night.
But I still think there is a reed/write problem to the stick.
It can be a vera problem, when polling devices they dont always respond but the devices are working.
I will try electicity later (wich stopped syddenly 2weeks ago and not because the usb was full).
The dashbord in DM is showing 3000 wats all the time and I am not monitering any electricity for now.
Here is the logs
Carl Erik

Hi chris

Now it is definently logging (using disk space). As I sayd erlier it is atleast logging temperatur. But I have a problem with the polling. My switches are not polled they seem to be locked. they show an amount of watt, but it is the same all the time e.g. my coffeymachine uses 641 watt all the time both on and off. And if I use the switch for something else, 25w bulb, it is still showing 641 w. Changes are not reported the polling is not working. Reconfiguring does not work ! It seems excluding and including works but I dont know why and I am not sure it is stabil.
Have you got a clue ?
Did you find anything interresting in my log ?

Now I have had a vera “log chrash”.
When I go to the log it says: “Error reading from log. Click here to try again.”
But nothing happens when I click.
Any idears ?