Stackable Notification

Hey RTS,
Could you implement showing multiple notifications on the VeraAlerts android app (or stacking)?
Right now I’m guessing you have the notification to use a single ID, which will “clear” it and rewrite only the latest notification.
Id like an option to stack them (show them all until I clear them).
Its been a while since ive opened Android studio, but if I remember correctly you should be able to do this just by issuing a new notification ID for each notification instead of reusing the same id.

I will add an option for this … I have not needed it because I have a Samsung … they have a Badge (Not standard Android) that I use to show the notification cnt since last read …
Also I personally do not like my notification are filled up with a lot of stuff …

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:188646”]I will add an option for this … I have not needed it because I have a Samsung … they have a Badge (Not standard Android) that I use to show the notification cnt since last read …
Also I personally do not like my notification are filled up with a lot of stuff …[/quote]
Thanks RTS,
I have a Samsung as well, and know which badge you are referring to. For me its easier to see at a glance with notifications and swipe them away instead of opening the app. Another option (and feel free to tell me where to stick it if I’m out of line) would be to use an extended layout for the notifications. Google does this with cards for google now, as well as gmail where it just shows “4 new messages” and when you swipe down, it expands to give you a summary of the 4 messages. See screenshot.
I would be more than willing to do the leg work for you on this, with your permission of course.

If your interested Tasker in conjunction with AutoNotification could achieve what you want to do.