Squeezebox Vera add-in and Authomation


I just installed the Vera addin for Logitech Squeezebox integration. Still working out what it does but I now have all my Squeezebox music players appearing in Vera and I can see what track is playing on each player and do simple transport controls like play / pause / stop etc.

Just fired up Authomation on the Android tab and I can see these new Squeezebox player devices in the various rooms but they just have a big question mark on them.

Some other Vera devices aka Vera addins that show in Authomation as just questions marks are the Countdown Timer and the Virtual Switch.

I take it these types of Vera addins are just not supported in Authomation.

Many thanks


Plugin support will be added in 2.1 release. There is an early build of 2.1 available in the 2.1 alpha thread. Plugin support is limited to what I add support for. Not all plugins will be supported.

  • Garrett


Thanks, I’d try out the new test version but wouldn’t know how to install it on to the tablet if its not from the app store etc.

Hoping Squeezebox support gets added soon then,



If you try the test version, you’ll need to remove the old version first. Download the apk file provided in the thread and click on the file when done downloading. It should then proceed to install.

I make no guarantee that this plugin will be supported.

  • Garrett

No problem I understand you can’t support every Vera add-in…

I’m just happy we have such a fantastic app for our tablet, so thanks…

I just wanted to provide an update. I looked at the squeezebox plugin and noticed that it was lacking in functionality and not all of the information is provided correctly in the plugin. I have started to rewrite and fix the issues in the plugin. Not sure when I will get this released and will get code added to AutHomation once things are working good with the new plugin.

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:6, topic:172855”]I just wanted to provide an update. I looked at the squeezebox plugin and noticed that it was lacking in functionality and not all of the information is provided correctly in the plugin. I have started to rewrite and fix the issues in the plugin. Not sure when I will get this released and will get code added to AutHomation once things are working good with the new plugin.

  • Garrett[/quote]

Garrett, excellent news thanks!

So I am assuming you have some Squeezebox’s yourself? You can also use Squeezebox emulators like SqueezeSlave and SqueezePlay on the PC (Download here). I got the idea from this post here.

These emulators then appear as regular Squeezebox’s in the Logitech Media Server software / player. I use SqueezeSlave on my Windows7 MCE PC’s and installed it as a windows service using a program called Pirmasoft RunAsSvc. They work quite well, although syncing audio is not so good as the proper hardware Squeezebox’s.

Yes, I own several squeezebox radios and may pick up a squeezebox touch. Shame logitech has dropped support. I also have a pogo plug that runs squeeze slave software and bought a raspberrypi to run the software as well.

I honestly did not have interest in the plugin until I kept reading up on the sonos plugin work. I knew the squeezebox plugin was limited.

So far the volume slider works as well as the player controls. I added album and artist info to the song info. Need to figure out what controls to add to the UI 5 device for quick access. The data is now available in the lu_sdata that I use in Authomation.

Have any input on what you might want added?

  • Garrett

I wasn’t aware Logitech were dropping the Squeezebox products? :-[
