SQ remote doesn't connect.

I have downloaded SQ remote twice but have made no progress in getting anything to work (although I do like the clicky sound it makes as the menus flip over). I believe SQR is not “auto discovering” my vera 1 on my home network. Maybe because I am running UI3. I have the smart phone plugin installed but no other. When I try to assign a command to a control I get the message “no device available”.

I have been using ivera instead and that works ok.

Would like to give SQ remote a try. I will be switching over to my new vera 2 as soon as UI4 is released and should probably not waste more time with SQ remote until I take that leap.

Sounds to me as if something’s not right in your install. SQ Remote does work with UI3.

When you go to the Setup menu, does it list your Vera?


if you are having connection issues please raise a support ticket with Square Connect:

Please include details of your Vera system in your ticket (Firmware Version)




v2.0 is on the App store and should solve any connection problems you are having. Please let us know if this is still an issue for you. As I mentioned in an earlier post, if you are having issues, please contact us through the ticket system (see previous post) and we will be very glad to help you out!
