Sonos Plugin Offline


I have installed the unpnp event proxy and sonos plugin but the sonos plugin shows an OFFLINE status as per screen shot attached where the “autocheck status” is activated every mn.

The corresponding log :

35 01/08/17 11:53:29.101 LuaInterface::CallFunction_Timer func:checkDeviceState device:41 <0x2d509680>
50 01/08/17 11:53:29.102 luup_log:41: Sonos: debug: checkDeviceState 0:41 <0x2d509680>
10 01/08/17 11:53:29.104 FileUtils::ReadURL starting user: pass: http://192.168.1.x:1400/xml/device_description.xml <0x2d509680>
01 01/08/17 11:53:34.106 e[31;1mFileUtils::ReadURL 28/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 http://192.168.1.x:1400/xml/device_description.xml response: e[0m <0x2d509680>
01 01/08/17 11:53:34.107 e[31;1mluup_log:41: Sonos: error: UPnP_getDeviceDescription wget failed - status=-1 xml=e[0m <0x2d509680>
01 01/08/17 11:53:34.108 e[31;1mLuaInterface::CallFunction_Timer device 41 checkDeviceState took 5 secondse[0m <0x2d509680>

But when typing in a brower " http://192.168.1.x:1400/xml/device_description.xml " , the xml file is displayed

In addition in Wireshark trace no message from Vera to Sonos player.

Any advice please ?

On the top, click the ‘Install’ button for the discovery patch and see if that locates your Sonos unit(s).

The discovery patch has been installed but no change.

The discovery function ( scan) cannot fond the Sonos device

Do you know the IP address of your SONOS? Can you input it manually?
The discovery process through UPNP is just making it easy if you don’t know the ip address but if you do, you can bypass it.

I had the same issue even with the discovery patch installed. I ended up just assigning the sonos a static ip via mac reservation on my dhcp server and manually inputting the ip into the plugin. Haven’t had any trouble since.

Thanks for your proposals.

I know the Ip adress of the Sonos player but the IP assigned is from the dynamic ip range of the DHCP server and I have manually assigned it in the Sonos settings tab .

But the Sonos player is still not detected (Status OFF)

May be i should try again after assigning a static Ip to the Sonos player. ?