Sonoff RF

Hi Guys, I saw some people ussing various different controlers have had success with using a sonoff RF module on the Lightning 4 protocol, so I decided to try it! Unfortunately I cant seem to get it working through vera! Has anyone else tried this and got it working or know a way to get vera to discover the device?


I don’t have one of these devices so I cannot provide any experience with it. Have you read the information available in the RFXtrx User’s Guide? If you have and it didn’t provide any help I don’t have any other suggestions.

Sure have, on paper everything is compatable! There have been other users who use the RFXtrx with Domoticz who have got it working however it just doesnt seem to pair inside vera.

very strange.

It would be a great addition if it could work as they are so cheap!

i’m guessing it may be something to do with the auto creation rather than the mscommunication however, in the list im really not sure which of the options is suitable for a Lightning4 device to be manually added?

If you have any ideas that would be great.

Well, just for fun I’ve ordered one of these and one of the remotes. I’ll let you know when I get it.

awesome!! I have no doubt youll know exactly what to do. Look forward to seeing how you get on.

Well, I had to re-order this stuff. For some reason Banggood calceled my order. They claimed I didn’t have a PayPal account - yet they got the payment and are refunding it. So I reordered - and paid using PayPal. We’ll see what happens. I guess it will be a couple of weeks.

I received the Sonoff switch and a Sonoff 4-button remote yesterday. I have successfully paired the remote with the switch. Then I paired the switch with the RFXtrx transceiver using Rfxmngr by selecting the lighting4 protocol tab. I don’t think there is a way to operate the switch right now via the RFXtrx plugin with the Vera. I’ll see if I can add this functionality. This far I’ve only worked on the plugin code for receiving messages of various protocols. So this may take a little while. Also, spring is here; I need to be doing a lot more yard work outside.

One thing to consider with this switch - at least when using the 433Mhz communication - is that there doesn’t appear to be a way to know if the switch is on or off. In other words, the control method seems to be a toggle button. Press the button and the switch changes from off to on or from on to off. There is no feedback of the current state. If you can’t see the operated device there is no way to know if it is on or off.

I’ve added the ability to add and control a Sonoff smart switch. I’m working on improving the interface to door sensors. I’m waiting on some info from Vera about how the Vera firmware responds to door sensors. There’s some discrepancy between what’s in the wiki and what I see in my testing. I hope to post an upgrade to the RFXtrx plugin before then end of May.