"Some dumm ass has left the garage door open"?!

My kitchen tablet just said (in broken Swedish TTS) “some dumm ass has left the garage door open”.

It then told me that “the garage door has been open for 10 minutes”.

The problem is that (1) I don’t have a sensor at my garage door, (2) all my notifications are all in Swedish and (3) I live in the rural parts of Sweden, we don’t care if our garage doors are open. :wink:

What could cause this?

Redneck gremlins. ;D

Change your Vera Device ID on your Phone and your corresponding Plugin Profile.

Richard: How do I get a new random ID on my tablet? Tried to unregister and re-register but I still got the same ID.

Starting to feel sorry for the redneck with the same ID. His/her garage door seems to be still open (“the garage door has been open for 1 hour”)… :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, how could two devices get the same random ID? Doesn’t your registration look at this? Doesn’t feel very good knowing that somewhere someone maybe get my notifications. :S

[quote=“n0ir, post:4, topic:186974”]Richard: How do I get a new random ID on my tablet? Tried to unregister and re-register but I still got the same ID.

Starting to feel sorry for the redneck with the same ID. His/her garage door seems to be still open (“the garage door has been open for 1 hour”)… :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, how could two devices get the same random ID? Doesn’t your registration look at this? Doesn’t feel very good knowing that somewhere someone maybe get my notifications. :S[/quote]

You dont need to do a “Random” you can use you old one and just change one or two of the numbers on both the phone and the plugin.

If you are getting his notifications , he is not … they only go to one phone.
You can create your own Vera ID. It just needs to be the correct number of characters long.

Changed the device ID to something personal. Haven’t got any more messages about the garage dorr, but user louielc in http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31681.0.html seems to have had the same issue. Weird.

However, my tablet now receives empty notifications ("Message = ") every 5-6 minutes? Had to remove the sound that announced notifications.

Turn on Debug in Vera Alerts (Settings tab) … Reload Vera … then you can look at Vera’s log file to see what triggered the notification.

Richard, if you are not busy do you think you could look at a part of my log and see what’s causing the empty messages?

The latest empty message was sent 00:03:27 acording to the VerAlerts app on my tablet. Here is a snippet from the log file during this time.

Here’s a screenshot of the VeraAlerts app on the tablet. Sometimes I have 20-30 empty messages.

I am really uncomfortable reading the log (well, I don’t understand squat more correctly…). Are all veraAlerts entries marked somehow so I can use a search function and find them in this gigantic chunk of text?

This seems to happen when you leave the APP closed for a long time.
The cleanup (removing old entries) only happens when you open the app … and something about the size causes problems.
I do a sort … so maybe I run out of memory … have not caught an error message (or been able to duplicate).

To clear you will have to clear the data for the App
Goto to APPS for the android Phone … find the Vera Alerts App … Clear Data.
Sorry this will remove ALL of your settings … you might want to review them before you clear the data.
I am going to change how I do cleanup … I hope that solves the problem.

So just to be clear, it isn’t some forgotten notification setting on my Vera that send these empty messages to the VeraAlerts app? It’s the app itself that doesn’t work properly?

The app is always running in the background of the tablet (the tablet itself is only used for VeraAlerts, Imperihome and some light kitchen browsing).

But how often do you open it to see the Messages ? THat’s the APP …
What runs in the background are services.

I see! Well, at least once a day I guess? Imperihome runs in the foreground but I often check VeraAlerts to check the timestamps of scenes (trying to get the system to run smoothly).

What are your cleanup settings ?

I don’t know what that are?

In the settings … how many messages do your keep ? How many days do you keep ?

Yeah, that didn’t work…

I have tried to reset the app, reinstall the app and changed my ID to a unique string. The empty messages STILL come and to make matter even worse the poor garage door seems to be open again (got another “Some dumm ass has left the garage door open” message). :S