[SOLVED] Upgrading to Development Branch

What is the correct method of updating to the devlopement branch.

What I did was download all the dev files including the VeraBridge
Copied them all to my existing install

Then I browse to the Altui url
It begins to load and then zeroes out my User_Data.json file…

So right not its 600kb in size

If I attempt an upgrade it starts to load and then creates a blank user file
If I overwrite the user file with the old one it just zeroes it out again

Even with a running system, you can overwrite your existing files in /etc/cmh-ludl/ (for the plugins like VeraBridge and openLuupExtensions) and all the files in /etc/cmh-ludl/openLuup/, being careful not to alter your user_data.json file, and then just use AltUI to reload the engine. It should come straight up running the new system.

This should be the last time you have to do this, since the development system can now update itself directly from GitHub.

Ya so thats what I do but as I say it zeroes out my user file and then ALTUI never loads as its waiting on data

what are you running to start up the system? Hopefully just


…and not something like

./openLuup_reload startup.lua

but even reboots…

I am going to go through the whole process now again and document it…

I dont mind as I know how to get back to a working system… Yes I have broken it that many times trying this… :slight_smile:

Ok … here are the steps I have just taken

Downloaded a fresh zip of the dev version
copied over the files as they are in their original folder structure.
from the VeraBridge, openluupextentsions and utilities folders, I copied these files to the cmh-ludl folder

I run the ALTUI exit command
I run the ./openLuup_reload command

and then the web page doesn’t load

the console repeats this line

Wed May 11 15:57:32 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:36 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:40 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:44 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:48 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:53 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:57:57 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:01 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:05 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:09 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:13 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:16 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:21 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:25 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:29 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:32 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:36 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload
Wed May 11 15:58:39 2016 device 7 ‘Vera’ requesting reload


the webpage displays:

This site can?t be reached refused to connect.

and finally after a reboot… it gives 3kb User data file… but still doesn’t load Altui

OK So the next thing I have done is deleted all files and folders from cmh-ludl
I copied over the dev version
I changed the permissions for openluup reload
and ran the get files script

I checked if altui loaded and it did
so overwrote he user data file and reloaded…(and rebooted)

not altui loads but says waiting initial data… however my user data file has been maintained this time, although slightly reduced in size from 563kb to 495kb

It’s for these occasions that the log file was devised. What’s in it?


and also the previous version


Fair point! :grinning:

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

I have attached them

I thought i figured it and create a lua file to create an instance of Altui Device… thinking this was needed… but alas it made no difference


I had read the logs but missed the line about missing RulesEngine Files…

I reuploaded them and its all good now

Thanks for you help mate!

that should not of happened when I was just uploading the dev version of the master version…