Solved - TTS - SAY Functionality Not working?

Ah ha! That muct be why the plugin isn’t working for me. Unfortunately, I can’t take off the secure feature since I need to have some kind of password authentication on it locally. Still, it’s a great plugin.


I just purchased a Sonos and immediately installed this plugin. So far it is awesome!! Thanks!! I am having one issue though; I also can’t get they Say function to work. I tested the Vera in secured and not secured mode and neither worked. Like parkerc I see the mp3 file pop up and the music is paused but no sound is heard. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


So I totally missed the sticky on how to get TTS working (,25689.0.html). I got it working now. Didn’t know I needed to pull the plug on Vera to get secure off to work. Once I did that it started working.

That is required because the audio file is stored in the Vera and delivered by the Vera WEB server.