[Solved] Support for EmonCMS ?

I have just acquired a Vera Edge and I have tested Thingspeak a little bit. It is nice, but for power metering it looks like EmonCMS may be a better way to go.

Do you think it would be possible to allow monitoring to EmonCMS ? It actually looks to work in a similar fashion as Thingspeak so it does not look like it would be too difficult. In fact, a user has already made it work in the Vera, but as I am just starting out it may be better to enable it via AltUI ?

Here is the thread to EmonCMS on Vera: http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,34272.msg252494.html#msg252494

I would like to see support for EmonCMS as well.

with the new data provider integration it should be possible. any volunteer ?

I have done it V >= 1128

I’m trying to configure it now. First I have to figure out how to create an input and/or feed from the website. Looks cool, and more capable than thingspeak!

Great news :slight_smile: I will look into this now.

It’s working well for me! Much more suitable than thingspeak.

Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk

I am seeing an issue where once I’ve entered emoncms data for ONE variable in a device, that setting is carried over to EVERY variable of the device. I.e. if I set the info for “current temperature” for my thermostat, every variable for that thermostat will have “emoncms” checked and the data associated with “current temperature” displayed for every variable.

good catch. fixing it now!

I seem to be able to manipulate things from the “variables to send” directly – so there’s a workaround.

I’m still trying to wrap my arms around emoncms: is the feed variable there just for visualization purposes? It looks like inputs (the data we send) should be purely determined by the node-ID and the name of the key. A feed seems to be a process to apply to a single input (like logging it).

I haven’t looked for documentation on emoncms which might explain it all – just reverse engineering at this point.

[quote=“tedp, post:10, topic:189647”]I seem to be able to manipulate things from the “variables to send” directly – so there’s a workaround.

I’m still trying to wrap my arms around emoncms: is the feed variable there just for visualization purposes? It looks like inputs (the data we send) should be purely determined by the node-ID and the name of the key. A feed seems to be a process to apply to a single input (like logging it).

I haven’t looked for documentation on emoncms which might explain it all – just reverse engineering at this point.[/quote]

yes, feed ID is necessary to display the chart hence the request to the user to fill it in
regarding the bug, latest version should have fixed it; http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,33308.msg265773.html#msg265773

Thank You! This works very well.