[Solved] Re: ALTUI does not upgrade ( was : Version Log )

Hi, I have altUI and have turned on auto update. However my version still shows as 1.1 where as you are talking about 1.2.1094. How can I get updatesd versions automatically or is there any way to update manually ?

Force a browser refresh and update should be proposed in a dialogue box at start up time.


Unfortunately it doesn’t give me that dialogue box. What am I doing wrong ? Tried to refresh browser while on my apps as well as at device page.

Force a browser refresh and update should be proposed in a dialogue box at start up time.[/quote]

[quote=“sre, post:3, topic:190554”]@amg0

Unfortunately it doesn’t give me that dialogue box. What am I doing wrong ? Tried to refresh browser while on my apps as well as at device page.

Force a browser refresh and update should be proposed in a dialogue box at start up time.[/quote][/quote]

That is very strange. you can force the update using this magic url in your browser ( and ignore all error messages displayed ), then let some time to VERA to reload.

what browser are you using ?
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ?
can you share a screen shot for the footer ?

Just crossed my mind , but are you sure you are in local access mode ?
(auto upgrade is not supported ( does not work ) when using ALTUI in remote access mode)

Thanks a lot @amg0 for staying with me.

I am a newbie and have limited knowledge. I will try to express what my experience is. You may be able to figure out where exactly it went wrong.

what browser are you using ? :: Chrome
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ? :: I normally use https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php toget access through altUI

I have two controllers, one local and another remote. I was working with local one so far. I tried the remote as well. The browser reload on vera access do not give me the dialog box suggested. { I am trying to update plugins including altUI through vera access which I get through url : Login. No time update is trid through the plugin itself.

I have removed the device and reinstalled from app store. Still stuck with version 1.1

I have picked up a similar url from your earlier posting after removing the device. Still, it will instal only 1.1 I am not sure if the link is different than what you gave me now.

I tried with your link now and found plug in on 1.2 for local unit. I dont if it is due to my present action or result of yesterdays trials.

My remote is till on 1.1
It wont give me the dialogue box when browser refreshed. (Reloading chrome when on altUI details page with autoupdate on or off)

Now to try your magic on remote unit which ipaddress (just before port no :3480) should I use. Obviously the local one wont work.

I can provide you the screen capture as I go along.


[quote=“amg0, post:4, topic:190554”][quote=“sre, post:3, topic:190554”]@amg0

Unfortunately it doesn’t give me that dialogue box. What am I doing wrong ? Tried to refresh browser while on my apps as well as at device page.

Force a browser refresh and update should be proposed in a dialogue box at start up time.[/quote][/quote]

That is very strange. you can force the update using this magic url in your browser ( and ignore all error messages displayed ), then let some time to VERA to reload.

what browser are you using ?
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ?
can you share a screen shot for the footer ?[/quote]

[quote=“sre, post:6, topic:190554”]Thanks a lot @amg0 for staying with me.

I am a newbie and have limited knowledge. I will try to express what my experience is. You may be able to figure out where exactly it went wrong.

what browser are you using ? :: Chrome
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ? :: I normally use https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php toget access through altUI[/quote]

if you use the https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php entry to access your VERA, it will not propose the upgrade dialog box and auto upgrade will not happen. this is due to some complex security rules within browser that is incompatible with the technic I use to control the version & propose the upgrade.

Autoupgrade only works if you access your VERA locally and using the url

If you really cannot use the local url in local mode, then one possible way to manually trigger an update is to go into the plugin page, find ALTUI and type a version number in the small text box as shown in the attached screen shot.
just use the number : 30020 and click on the update icon

NOTE: doing a normal reinstall from the store only reinstalls the latest public version in the store which is 1.1.1065

Hope that helps

Thanks amg0. It did work through your technic. Thanks a lot

[quote=“amg0, post:7, topic:190554”][quote=“sre, post:6, topic:190554”]Thanks a lot @amg0 for staying with me.

I am a newbie and have limited knowledge. I will try to express what my experience is. You may be able to figure out where exactly it went wrong.

what browser are you using ? :: Chrome
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ? :: I normally use https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php toget access through altUI[/quote]

if you use the https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php entry to access your VERA, it will not propose the upgrade dialog box and auto upgrade will not happen. this is due to some complex security rules within browser that is incompatible with the technic I use to control the version & propose the upgrade.

Autoupgrade only works if you access your VERA locally and using the url

If you really cannot use the local url in local mode, then one possible way to manually trigger an update is to go into the plugin page, find ALTUI and type a version number in the small text box as shown in the attached screen shot.
just use the number : 30020 and click on the update icon

NOTE: doing a normal reinstall from the store only reinstalls the latest public version in the store which is 1.1.1065

Hope that helps[/quote]

[quote=“sre, post:8, topic:190554”]Thanks amg0. It did work through your technic. Thanks a lot

[quote=“amg0, post:7, topic:190554”][quote=“sre, post:6, topic:190554”]Thanks a lot @amg0 for staying with me.

I am a newbie and have limited knowledge. I will try to express what my experience is. You may be able to figure out where exactly it went wrong.

what browser are you using ? :: Chrome
what is exactly the url you are using to open ALTUI ? :: I normally use https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php toget access through altUI[/quote]

if you use the https://vera-ui.strongcubedfitness.com/Veralogin.php entry to access your VERA, it will not propose the upgrade dialog box and auto upgrade will not happen. this is due to some complex security rules within browser that is incompatible with the technic I use to control the version & propose the upgrade.

Autoupgrade only works if you access your VERA locally and using the url

If you really cannot use the local url in local mode, then one possible way to manually trigger an update is to go into the plugin page, find ALTUI and type a version number in the small text box as shown in the attached screen shot.
just use the number : 30020 and click on the update icon

NOTE: doing a normal reinstall from the store only reinstalls the latest public version in the store which is 1.1.1065

Hope that helps[/quote][/quote]