[Solved] Feature Request - Local/Remote Detection

It would be nice if there were some way for HomeBuddy to do a Remote/Local mode auto detection. Local mode is so much faster than using Remote, so I find myself having to switch back and forth between local and remote mode when I come and go. It would be nice if there were a way to turn on a Auto Remote/Local detection. Perhaps the software could determine if the phone’s IP address is on the same subnet as the one listed as the local address for the Vera unit, it could then auto select local mode.

Ohh, and BTW, thank you MCV for finally making a HomeBuddy forum section.

That’s an interesting idea, I’ll see what I can do. It will definitely have to be an option that can be disabled for those who have Veras in different locations.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Maybe you could add a check-box enable/disable in the settings for those with multiple Vera’s.

I would LOVE this feature! :->
Thanks rakstar for developing this program!

Having the program default to Local when connected to wifi and Remote when on the cellular network would cover me most of the time.


[quote=“ctbaker, post:4, topic:166404”]Having the program default to Local when connected to wifi and Remote when on the cellular network would cover me most of the time.


thats a great idea. would work for me in most cases to.

Hi guys, so I gave this some thought, and I need your opinions on my little idea…

What if I added a hook in Home Buddy to toggle Local/Remote mode from Tasker/Locale, would that work for you guys or is it too complicated? For those who haven’t heard of Tasker, check this post:


I see some pros and cons in this approach, but wanted to hear from you guys… so, what do you think?

If not something internal, I would be fine with some sort of Tasker hook.

+1 for the Tasker integration approach. That seems like the cleanest solution to satisfy a range of users.

I decided on a different approach and added “Auto Local” in v0.25 to address this. Please check this post:


Download the update last night. So far the local/remote works great!

Good to hear. Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile: